Thriving During a Major Life Transition

How to Cope during a Major Life Transition Thriving during a major life transition?  Sounds pretty impossible but think about it.  Going through major life transitions can be stressful, confusing, and downright frightening. However, not all major life transitions are completely negative, and many are worth the journey even while uncomfortable. Happiness and success are […]

2 mins read

Grow and Let Go: Self-Worth Post-Toxicity

Well, that didn’t go right. Leaving a negative relationship is not easy and finding your self-worth post-toxicity can be challenging.   Entering a relationship with enthusiasm is natural. We often believe it’s the best thing in the world, a heady feeling while it lasts. Unfortunately, in a toxic relationship, the realization of its true nature […]

3 mins read

Daily Habits for Mental Well-being: Boost Your Brain Health

Give Yourself a Mental Makeover While you might prioritize physical health, it’s crucial to also focus on your mental well-being. Ask yourself, “How do I care for my mind?” Below are some strategies for a mental refresh: Pursue Joy Daily: Engage daily in activities that bring you happiness, whether it’s watching a film, taking a […]

1 min read

A Previvor’s Tale: What I Wish I Knew Before Surgery

I think I need to give you some back story on my Previvor’s Tale.  Reflecting on my journey as a BRCA2+ previvor, I realize it’s been a complex blend of empowerment, struggle, and ongoing self-acceptance. It’s now the summer of 2024, and I continue to navigate the emotional and physical aftermath of preventative surgeries and […]

6 mins read

Breathe Better, Stress Less: Your Path to Calm

Are you looking for a better path to calm in your life?   Feeling the stress from our lives can be overwhelming.  Anxiety is more common than you would think.  If you suffer from anxiety, nothing is worse than feeling that familiar throat-clenching and chest-grabbing lack of oxygen that threatens to make you hyperventilate, pass out […]

3 mins read

The Power of Solitude: Reasons to Embrace Alone Time

Benefits of Spending Time Alone There are reasons to embrace alone time.  Spending time alone is essential for personal growth and well-being. Here’s why you should consider scheduling some solo time into your daily routine: Clear Your Mind If your thoughts are clouded or you’re feeling overwhelmed, stepping away to be alone can help immensely. […]

2 mins read

Meditation and Prayer Benefits

The Benefits are many in Everyday Life Is your daily routine so busy and full of activities that it’s causing you stress and agitation? We’ve all heard of the health risks associated with too much stress, but how can you reduce that stress and find peace in your life?  To achieve a sense of peace, […]

3 mins read

Living Lighter: Practical Insights for Reducing Stress

Reducing Stress in Your Daily Routine Reducing stress is something that we can all agree is a high priority.  It’s been reported that nearly eight out of every ten American adults are stressed out every day. In other words, roughly seventy-eight percent of the population needs to adopt more stress-eliminating techniques to live a happier […]

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