Guilt: Friend or Foe? Unraveling Its Impact on Your Success
What Is Guilt And Why Does It Hold You Back From What You Want To Do Let’s talk about guilt. It’s not a great feeling, is it? Guilt, by definition, is the feeling of deserving blame for something. Often, it serves as a check mechanism, urging us to do “the right thing”. Remember those student […]
Weekly Affirmation – When you have lost hope
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I can muster up a little more hope and courage from deep inside me.
Finding Soul and Personality Cards
What are Personality and Soul Cards? When working with Tarot, you may hear about Personality and Soul cards. Wondering about your personality and soul cards? These cards reveal profound insights into your life’s journey. Your Personality Card signifies the lesson you’re meant to learn in this lifetime. It’s not just about your job; it’s about […]
Embrace Your Flaws: 5 Steps to Defeat Perfectionism
We all experience moments of perfectionism. Sometimes, it’s frequent; other times, it’s sporadic. However, when perfectionism becomes a lifestyle, it’s time for change. Start at the Core Examine why perfectionism grips you. Is it personal growth or external pressure? Address both for a healthier mindset. Perfectionism often stems from deep-rooted beliefs and expectations, both internal […]
How to Spot a Liar
How does one spot a liar? It is not always easy, especially if the liar is experienced. Lying operates on multiple levels, intertwining with our desires, fears, and perceptions. It’s a mechanism that shapes narratives, both personal and societal, molding our understanding of truth and falsehood. Embedded within our cultural fabric and etched into historical […]
Understanding Natural Law
Understanding Natural Law: A Guide for Those Opening to Spirit At some point we need to come to an understanding of natural law. As we begin to open ourselves to Spirit, many of us find that questions naturally arise about our purpose, the universe, and our spiritual journey. Whether you’re just starting to explore your […]
Weekly Affirmation – My Soul is Tranquil
If your soul and mind aren’t healthy, there’s no way you can have a healthy body. One of the reasons why you get ill is because your ѕubсоnѕсіоuѕ and conscious consents are powerful enough to upset things for you. This weeks affirmation is as follows: My soul is tranquil, my mind is brilliant, and my body […]
Eight Benefits of Spending Time Alone
When I was younger, spending time alone was agony. I know I am not (pardon the pun) alone in this thinking. Now as an adult, I see I was avoiding doing the hard work that I needed to do to heal from so much. Spending time alone is good for you. In fact, there are […]
Weekly Affirmation – I do not have to explain
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I love myself to say no. I do not have to explain why.
Baby It is Cold Outside — How about some Chowder?
Chowder is one of my favorite foods… it is all about comfort for me. Bergholz Fire Department each month does a fund raiser and sells them by the 1/2 gallon today! I can’t always get there, so this is a variation of their recipe for home creation… Made by Harold H. Heuer on April 13, […]