How Your Attitude Defines Your Success
How Your Attitude Defines Your Success Facing facts is always the best way to fix your attitude and enjoy success. Your demeanor will either lead you down the path to success or the path to failure. It is up to you to control it, manage it and develop the right communication techniques to ensure that […]
Beliefs That Keep You from Attacking Your Goals
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Irondequoit ED39 Democratic Party Committee Candidate
My name is Colleen Irwin, and I am running for a seat on the Democratic Committee for Irondequoit ED 39. I am reaching out to you not just as a candidate, but as a fellow Irondequoit resident, and someone who deeply cares about the future of our community. Monroe County is at a crossroads, and […]
Living Lighter: Practical Insights for Reducing Stress
Reducing Stress in Your Daily Routine Reducing stress is something that we can all agree is a high priority. It’s been reported that nearly eight out of every ten American adults are stressed out every day. In other words, roughly seventy-eight percent of the population needs to adopt more stress-eliminating techniques to live a happier […]
Weekly Affirmation – Trusting Oneself
Trusting oneself is not an easy task. Self doubt, the influence of others all have their impact on our daily decisions. What if there was a way to counteract this negativity that surrounds us? This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks affirmation is as follows: There is no doubt in […]
Counting Your Blessings
As humans, counting your blessings is not always easy. We get stuck in the negative and focus on the pain instead of the small blessings we have in our lives. Start & End Your Day By Counting Your Blessings One really easy way to get started on a gratitude practice is to make a habit […]
Tarot Mastery: Building a Strong Foundation for Intuitive Readings
The Art of Learning Tarot: Balancing Structure and Intuition Tarot mastery is something everyone wants when they begin using Tarot. When learning Tarot, it’s tempting to “toss the book” and just “read what you see.” Some teachers encourage this, but it does a disservice to Tarot and their students. It’s crucial to learn the structure, […]
Overcoming Common Mediumship Obstacles
Obstacles in development as Mediums are many. As mediums, our journey is deeply personal and unique. Yet, many of us face similar challenges that can hold us back from reaching our full potential. In my experience, the three main obstacles are fear, lack of patience, and lack of commitment to the work. Let’s explore these […]
Journal Prompts for Personal Growth
When you start a personal growth journey, you will face challenges, make discoveries, and learn valuable lessons about yourself. One of the most crucial parts of this process is self-reflection. To do this you should journal. This involves asking yourself some tough questions to help you understand your feelings, desires, and actions better. Here are […]
Weekly Affirmation – Today is a new day!
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
Today is a new day! I will let go of the disappointments of the past and make new plans and feel excited as I do so.