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Positioning Your Spiritual Practice: Aligning Perception with Vision

Perception is everything.  Building a business rooted in spirituality—especially as a medium and teacher—requires more than just passion and skill. It requires alignment between how you see yourself and how others experience your work.

In my previous career in real estate, I had a clear vision of who I was and what I could offer. But I now realize that vision didn’t align with how others saw me in that role. I struggled to communicate my value, and as a result, the opportunities I sought didn’t materialize.

As I build my spiritual practice, I want to ensure others recognize me as the medium and teacher I know I am. Most importantly, I want people to understand how much I can help them if they choose to work with me.

This article is for those who feel the same disconnect—when the way you see yourself and the way others perceive your work aren’t aligned. Through clarity, intentional action, and consistency, we can bridge that gap and create the trust and recognition we need to grow.

Positioning Is About Perception

Positioning isn’t just about how you describe yourself—it’s about how others experience your work. You can have the clearest vision of who you are, but if your audience doesn’t see that value, the message won’t land.

That’s been my struggle. Although people see me as a teacher, medium, and healer, I haven’t yet become the “go-to” person in my field. I’ve let my positioning evolve naturally, hoping it would eventually align. But now I see that without intentional action, I’ll remain in limbo—stuck between where I am and where I want to be.

How to Align Your Vision with Others’ Perception

If you feel the same, knowing your worth but struggling to communicate it clearly, here’s a framework to help you align your vision with how others experience your work.

Clarify Your Unique Value

To become the go-to person, you need to define what sets you apart. It’s not enough to say you’re a teacher or medium—what specific transformation do you provide, and why should people come to you for it?

    • Ask Yourself: What spiritual, emotional, or mental outcomes do I help people achieve? What unique strengths do I bring to my work?
    • Action Step: Write a concise statement that reflects your unique value. Focus on how you help others transform, rather than just listing what you do.

Gather Feedback and Adjust

The way others describe your work offers valuable insights. Feedback can show where your message isn’t resonating and reveal patterns in how others experience your value.

    • Ask Clients or Peers: How would you describe my work as a medium or teacher? What stood out most in your experience with me?
    • Action Step: Gather feedback from clients or colleagues and look for recurring themes. If their perception doesn’t align with your vision, adjust your messaging accordingly.

Refine How You Communicate

Even if you know your value, it only matters if others understand it. Simplifying your communication helps ensure your audience connects with and trusts your message.

    • Ask Yourself: Am I explaining my work in a way that speaks to the needs of my audience?
    • Action Step: Practice introducing yourself with clarity. Instead of relying solely on titles, focus on the outcomes you provide and the transformation you offer.

Show Up Consistently as a Medium and Teacher

Consistency is key to becoming the go-to person. People need to see your expertise regularly to trust it. Show up often, share your insights, and allow others to experience your value firsthand.

    • Ask Yourself: Where can I consistently show up and engage with my ideal audience?
    • Action Step: Use blogs, videos, speaking engagements, or social media to share stories, insights, and experiences that reflect your role as a teacher and medium.

Take Intentional Action

Letting your positioning evolve naturally can lead to feeling stuck. Intentional actions—no matter how small—help guide your audience’s perception toward the vision you hold for yourself.

    • Ask Yourself: What small but purposeful actions can I take today to reinforce how others see me?
    • Action Step: Identify one action each week that strengthens your positioning. Whether it’s refining your services, sharing a story, or connecting with a potential client, every step builds trust.

Trust the Process While Staying Authentic

Authenticity is the foundation of spiritual work. Staying true to yourself ensures that the right people resonate with your message. However, authenticity doesn’t mean avoiding change—it means refining how you communicate your value without losing your core identity.

    • Ask Yourself: How can I stay true to myself while refining my message?
    • Action Step: Reflect on your progress regularly, and celebrate the small wins along the way. Be open to making adjustments, but remain committed to your authenticity.

Moving from Limbo to Alignment

When you bridge the gap between how you see yourself and how others experience your work, you create alignment. And from that alignment, trust and recognition naturally follow. This is how we move past limbo, step into our strengths, and position ourselves as the go-to person in our field.

For me, this journey is about stepping fully into the role I know I can embody—being seen as the medium and teacher I know I am. It’s about ensuring others experience the value I bring and understand how much I can help them if they choose to work with me.

For you, it’s the same—embracing your strengths, refining your message, and making sure others recognize the transformation you offer. With clarity, consistency, and trust in the process, you can create alignment between your vision and others’ perception. And when that alignment happens, the doors to trust and recognition open wide.

Now is the time to step out of limbo, show up fully, and let others experience the truth of who you are.

Rev. Colleen Irwin
Reverend Colleen Irwin is a Wife, Healer, Psychic Medium, Mentor, Author, and Public Speaker from Rochester, New York, with over 30 years of business experience, including her work as a real estate broker. Colleen’s background in training REALTORS honed her skills in conflict resolution, marketing strategies, and analytical as well as presentation skills, which she now applies to her spiritual education and coaching. Colleen teaches, lectures, and serves Spirit, sharing her lifelong connection with the spiritual world, as captured in her book 'Discovering Your Stream.' She has studied with renowned mediums John White and Lisa Williams and was mentored by Reverend Jack Rudy. Ordained in the Order of Melchizedek by Reverend Dan Chesboro, Colleen is also a PREVIVOR who educates others about the BRCA genetic mutation and taking control of their health. Her mission is to empower women through life’s significant changes—whether it be a career shift, parental care giving, health crises, relationship transformations, or spiritual awakenings. Through spiritual education, inspirational talks, and coaching, Colleen offers guidance and hope, helping women embrace their new purpose.
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