Ways to Relieve Burnout
Burnout. It is a common topic these days. We are in the middle of a pandemic and the fatigue is overwhelming. I see it in my husband, friends and family. Social media, the news and to be honest, I see it in myself. How do we prevent it, or help relieve burnout as it is happening? Because everyone seems to be on edge.
I am now recovering from Hernia repair surgery last week. I am in that in between phase with recovery. Feeling well enough to do some things, yet other things are overwhelming. Restless and ready to do more, I cannot. My body simply will not allow it. So I sit and rest and wait.
My brain started to think about the burnout I see. How it takes a toll on people including myself. Then I thought how could we prevent or ease it for George and myself. I realize that we are not alone in this, so here are some suggestions that may assist you during this time.
Ways to Relieve Burnout
- Connect with others – call, text, email or USPS make the connection any way you can.
- Honor your boundaries – don’t let people trample them – that includes family.
- Movement is so important, exercise or take daily walks!
- Pay attention to your words – be mindful of negativity and remove it from your vocabulary.
- Make mealtime an opportunity to connect over a healthy meal.
- Create a new tradition in your home that you will carry out from this pandemic.
- Don’t forget to play – games and puzzles can bring simple joy.
- Take time out each day for yourself. It could be as simple as taking a walk or soaking in a hot bath.
- Check your priorities. Are you competing with others to impress the world?
- Make time for crafts or a hobby that you love.
- Don’t forget that a good nap solves a lot of problems!
- Allow yourself to indulge is simple pleasures.
- Change your environment — working in your office move to the kitchen table for a day.
Make a Plan
Right now, we are getting ready for a long haul with this pandemic. Which this makes the world is a scary and stressful place. It is unavoidable. We can still take action and we can take to help mitigate the worst effects. Adjust your expectations, self-care and do whatever is in your power to stay sane during this time.
If you find that you do burnout and fall apart, give yourself permission to take care of yourself. Each day is a new day to do better. You can and will get through this. We all will.