Embracing differences in a divided world

Originally written July 18, 2018, but very important to share now. Embracing Differences between people is next to impossible at this time in history.  Democrats vs Republicans.  Americans vs Immigrants.  Religious vs Atheists.  The list of descriptives that separate us far outweigh those that unite us. We all are Spiritual Beings living a human experience. […]

2 mins read

Children and Spirituality

Children and Spirituality is a topic of interest to me.   I am constantly thinking about it and the ways as adults can assist children grow spiritually.    Often it is children that help adults connect to their own Spirituality. It is something that I find beautiful when I come across young children and they are […]

1 min read

Autism and Spirituality – Is there a connection?

I see much of it in children of several of my friends.   I don’t remember growing up seeing Autism.  When my son was born it was a time that we were just learning about vaccines and association of Autism.  Now considered bad science, but something that I researched extensively.  I studied much about the topic […]

2 mins read