Year: 2020
The Power of Meditation
The power in meditation is your level of trust. How meditation can assist you completely depends on your ability to trust what you get in meditation. Tibetan monks meditate for may hours each week. Their devotion to their religious traditions makes them experts in the practice of meditation. When you have heightened state of awareness […]
Another Surgery ?*@!
I am facing yet another surgery this month in my BRCA journey. I am so tired of it. The last thing I want is yet another surgery. Yet that is where I am at. This time it is revision surgery. Take care of some of the bumps and imperfections away from my body after 4 […]
Weekly Affirmation – Becoming Healthy
I am becoming healthy and it has been something that I have been working on since my BRCA gene mutation diagnosis. To achieve this, I have had to change my mindset and thinking. I had to find reasons to commit to the changes. This week’s affirmation is as follows: I am giving myself […]
Children and Spirituality
Children and Spirituality is a topic of interest to me. I am constantly thinking about it and the ways as adults can assist children grow spiritually. Often it is children that help adults connect to their own Spirituality. It is something that I find beautiful when I come across young children and they are […]
July 2020 Affirmations for Success
Here are your affirmations for success for this month. I truly believe that they are a powerful tool in changing your life.
Affirmation for the Week – Finding Peace
I recognize I may be holding on to pain from the past that I have not forgiven. Letting go allows me to move forward with life in peace.
How to Survive Pandemic Isolation
Pandemic Isolation plain out sucks. Our new reality is that we will be self-isolating for a lot of time still with the coronavirus pandemic. I know that I have entered into a period where I am staying at home a lot more with another surgery next week. Sure I will go out to a park, […]
Autism and Spirituality – Is there a connection?
I see much of it in children of several of my friends. I don’t remember growing up seeing Autism. When my son was born it was a time that we were just learning about vaccines and association of Autism. Now considered bad science, but something that I researched extensively. I studied much about the topic […]
Why do I write about my experiences?
This is stuff that I have learned that Google cannot answer. It is sharing of experiences that we learn lessons and it sharing them we help others on their journey.
Weekly Affirmation – Worst Case Scenario Thinking
Worst case scenario thinking is the worst kind of thinking. Yes you should plan for the worst but if you don’t balance with positive thinking you will find yourself very unhappy. During this time that we are dealing with the Pandemic it is important to not let it over run our lives. One way to […]