Training — It is all in how you see things…

How you see things affects every decision in life.   I originally posted this in November of 2016 with a very little text.  With the cleaning up my blog I have been revisiting old articles.   I guess in many ways I post things too quickly.   Then again, perhaps the revisit gives me a chance to really […]

2 mins read

Cyber Bullying – A talk from Patient Zero

Cyber Bullying is a huge problem for many in this world.   The lack of compassion and understand is mind blowing.  Cyber bullying is easy to do in this on-line world and when the President of the United States does it every day.   We have become immune to it and almost afraid to say something. Wow […]

1 min read

What is Clairaudience or Clear Hearing

Definition:  Clairaudience, which means clear hearing, is the ability to perceive sounds or words from outside sources in the spirit world. Psychics who are clairaudient hear voices, sounds or music that are not audible to the normal ear. They receive these messages mentally or within their ears.  This is an interesting gift.   For me I […]

1 min read

Embracing differences in a divided world

Originally written July 18, 2018, but very important to share now. Embracing Differences between people is next to impossible at this time in history.  Democrats vs Republicans.  Americans vs Immigrants.  Religious vs Atheists.  The list of descriptives that separate us far outweigh those that unite us. We all are Spiritual Beings living a human experience. […]

2 mins read