Year: 2016
Stay or Go?
This has been the story of my life. Do you try and fix something that is not working or do you just walk away? I have walked way from so many things in my life thinking I may create something better only to find myself yet another step back from where I was. […]
Alice in Wonderland and how I relate to the world…
I often feel like Alice in Wonderland. Easy is not a term I would use to describe this time in my life. In fact it has been anything but that. I have struggled along the way to find the happier person I am today. My life is not perfect, but I am moving forward. In […]
Symbolism found in Numbers
Numbers often make sense of the chaos around us. My business partner goes glassy eyed when I start to talk about statistics in our business. But they help me see the larger picture of what is going on. I often see repeating numbers. The last week or so I keep seeing the number 20. Most […]
May 4, 2016 – Chairperson – Healing Message Service, Lily Dale
What are you doing Wednesday night? Every Wednesday night in Lily Dale during the off season (September to June) there is a Healing and Message Service that happens at 7:30 pm. If you join us, please bring some non-perishable food for the Cassadaga Food Pantry. They appreciate the donations and there are so many in need. […]
Time Perspectives
Yielding and Resisting… It is interesting how people respond with regards to time. Something to think about.
Weekly Affirmation – Positive Attitude to Work
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I’m bringing a positive attitude to work every day.
Talking About Bad Habits
Love the Ted Talks. This one was awesome about breaking bad habits. Positive and negative feedback creates a process. Trigger, Behavior, Reward. Apply curiosity to the process. Something to think about….
Area Spiritual Churches
Often this is a question of personal choice what church to belong to. That is a deeply personal decision that each of us must make independently. Our connection to God/Infinite Intelligence/Creator/Spirit is ours alone. Nobody can nor should define it for your. I am finding that I am Spiritual and although currently I am a […]
I have seen foxes lately… in fact on Thursday I saw several of them. One at my friends house then on Google (via Firefox) and two different friends sent me photos of foxes in memes. So when so many coincidences happen I pay attention. Fox: foxes comes as a reminder that there could be a […]
Citizens Responsibility – To Keep Elected Officials Accountable
We the People Citizens Responsibility is to keep elected officials accountable. Blame it on the approaching Mercury in Retrograde, I have been thinking a lot about this lately. Here are my reflections on leadership in the world. Then I saw this from Susan B. Anthony “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants […]