Year: 2016
Gratitude makes all the difference….
Embracing Gratitude in Every Moment What makes a difference in our happiness? My life has been rather amazing, filled with ups and downs that have shaped who I am today. I didn’t have it easy for most of my life, facing numerous challenges along the way. I can honestly say I have made many mistakes. […]
The Full Moon tonight…
Tonight’s full moon is significant because it also happens on Summer Solstice. The last strawberry moon occurring on the solstice occurred on June 22 1967. The next one will be in 46 years — June 21, 2062. For me, that means this is the second one in my lifetime and living another 46 years I will […]
What makes a house a home?
In my Real Estate life, I assist people in finding their homes. It is a simple process in theory but in reality it is one of the most complicated things going. I am not an order taker — I am a fulfiller of dreams and I can make magic happen for those I work with when […]
Inspiration Stump – a change in energy!
Lily Dale Lily Dale This place is special to me of the two places in Lily Dale during season I prefer the Stump over the Forest Temple. The energy here is stronger of the two places and that this why I always preferred its energy. But I have a new reason why I feel so […]
There is Magic out there for YOU!
Magic happens. I find it interesting that the more optimistic that I become the more wonderful things happen. It is almost funny because as humans we have a choice in how we look at things. The power of our happiness is how we chose to look at them. I propose this to you — what […]
How do you fix a broken heart?
How do you fix a broken heart? Patience. I know not the answer you wanted to hear, but it is the truth. It takes time to heal. The reality of a broken heart is that it takes time. No two situations are the same and the amount of time to heal never the same. The trick […]
Serving Others… Quickest way to find joy…
Yesterday was pretty amazing day… A fellow Medium and I went on an adventure together and it filled me with such joy. We went down to the First Spiritualist Church in Erie. We had planned on going to Lily Dale the day before, but a little voice in my head said, go to Erie. So we […]
What is your talent?
I ran into a woman once that said to me “oh you are so talented, I can’t do any of those clever things you do.” I was a little surprised by her response to a rather simple thing I do with sending cards out to others. I hardly thought it was a talent. Perhaps my […]
Don’t waste any time….
Life is short. I have spent most of my life being insecure, afraid of what others think. I have wasted so much time pleasing others that I had no clue how to make myself happy. I have learned that my life has meaning by living it the way I feel best, not what others judge […]
Are you going to sink or swim?
Sink or Swim, we all have free will to do one or the other. How many of us have heard the are you going to sink or swim in the face of difficulty? It starts with swimming lessons and our ability to learn to swim in water. There is a quote by Tom Cruise […]