Tag: Three Words
2018 Three words Exercise
It s time to think of three words for 2018 for me. By the time it was to pick 2018 three words I have become an old pro at it. Trusting that Spirit will guide me where I need to be. Today, I want to share how picking three words has changed me and […]
Why Transformation Creates Fear and Stops Us
Transformation is never easy. We all know this first hand. Right now, I struggle with change in my life. They are never easy. For me it is particularly difficult I over think it all. To handle changes in our life with grace is not always easy. As humans we stumble in the process. We make […]
Thank you Lily Dale Spiritualist Church
Yesterday I had the honor of celebrating the first Sunday of the New Year with the lovely folks at the Lily Dale Spiritualist Church. Afterwards they had a lovely assortment social hour where we talked about all sorts of fantastic subjects. My Talk was on the power of words. I shared how certain words can either lift […]
Trust is not always easy…
Again the selection of the words for 2017 was an interesting journey. And after reading this story I understood that Trust was going to be one of my words. The Color Red In 1985 Cher starred in a movie called Mask. She played the biker mother of Rocky, a teenager with a severe facial deformity. […]
The power of love
I had an interesting journey selecting my three words for 2017. I didn’t pick them, they picked me. My first indication that Love would be one of my words was when I heard Lisa Williams speak of it on Christmas Eve from the very place I will be speaking New Year’s Day. It was very […]
Transformation and New Beginnings…
New beginnings are exciting and they are scary. Today is a new start in this transformation of mine. It is not a huge moment. In fact, it is one of those small moments. It is not a specific date, but a mindset for me. I see the world as a beautiful place. There is no […]
Revisiting my Vision Board
It has been a few months since I created my Vision Board for 2016. I had such purpose once I was motivated to create it. There are sections to it and it doesn’t feel very cohesive. Then again my life is anything but cohesive. It is interesting because Jenny and I have ours side by […]
My three words for 2016
My #3words for 2016: Genuine Steadfast Patience Pick 3 words and focus on them in your daily life #spirituality #growth #faith Talk with Colleen (@talkwithcolleen) December 26, 2015
Reminder Three Words
This is my reminder three words that are important to me this year. I made a commitment to trying this exercise this year. Since finding anything that I do on Twitter difficult at best, I thought I might place it here. If only to remind me that I have this…. My #3words 2015: Fearless Persistence […]
Three Words for 2015 ~ Fearless ~ Persistence ~ Compassion
By selecting three words each year to focus on instead of a resolution you sharpen your ability to focus on making your life better.