Increase Your Energy

How to Increase Your Energy and Productivity Each Day To increase your energy you need to evaluate some things in your life.  Are you stressed out because you have too much to do and not enough time to do it? Maybe it seems that way, but every person on the planet gets the same 24 […]

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Weekly Affirmation – For Stressful Times Take a Deep Breath

Take a deep breath—everything will work out in time. This week’s affirmation is here to remind you of your strength, resilience, and the power of positive focus. Words hold incredible energy, and when spoken with intention, they have the ability to shift your mindset and transform your life. Affirmations are simple yet profound tools for […]

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Breathe Better, Stress Less: Your Path to Calm

Are you looking for a better path to calm in your life?   Feeling the stress from our lives can be overwhelming.  Anxiety is more common than you would think.  If you suffer from anxiety, nothing is worse than feeling that familiar throat-clenching and chest-grabbing lack of oxygen that threatens to make you hyperventilate, pass out […]

3 mins read

Living Lighter: Practical Insights for Reducing Stress

Reducing Stress in Your Daily Routine Reducing stress is something that we can all agree is a high priority.  It’s been reported that nearly eight out of every ten American adults are stressed out every day. In other words, roughly seventy-eight percent of the population needs to adopt more stress-eliminating techniques to live a happier […]

3 mins read

Navigating Holiday Stress: Strategies for Healthy Family Dynamics

It’s holiday season again, and family dynamics can bring anxiety. Strategies for stress reduction are crucial. Remind yourself that “No” is a complete sentence.  That is exactly what we are doing this year — saying no to the stress.   In fact, we have over the years found the simpler the holiday the better it is […]

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Weekly Affirmation – Faith is Bigger than my Difficulties

When I start to feel overwhelmed, I remember that my faith is bigger than my difficulties. I take refuge in my spiritual beliefs.  My faith gives me comfort. It lights my way through the darkness. When I read about war and crime, I remember that there is also good in the world. When I experience […]

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