Tag: Spirituality
Let Go of Regret: Embrace Your Full Potential
Let Go of Regret: Embrace Your Full Potential We all carry regrets. It’s part of being human. But what if we stopped letting them hold us back from living to our full potential? Regret, while painful, doesn’t have to define us. Instead, it can serve as a wake-up call, reminding us to take the next […]
How to Get Started with Tarot
How to Get Started with Tarot You want to get started with Tarot, but are unsure where to start. There are many popular forms of divination. Tarot cards are at the top of that list. It is a tool that uses the wisdom and intuition of the universal energy that guides a person’s life. Tarot […]
Understanding Natural Law
Understanding Natural Law: A Guide for Those Opening to Spirit At some point we need to come to an understanding of natural law. As we begin to open ourselves to Spirit, many of us find that questions naturally arise about our purpose, the universe, and our spiritual journey. Whether you’re just starting to explore your […]
Embracing the Spirituality of Your Small Church
To start, I worship at a small church in Rochester New York. We often have conversations about how to grow. That has had me thinking a lot about this over the years. I have even written a suggested guide to selecting a Spiritualist Church. Let us explore a topic close to my heart – the […]
Finding Your Spiritual Home: Discovering the Right Spiritualist Church
Searching for a spiritual home that truly feels like home can be an arduous process. With so many options, it’s tough determining which congregation genuinely aligns with spiritualist principles versus simply paying lip service. As someone who spent years bouncing between various churches and centers seeking the right fit, I want to share some thoughts […]
From Skeptic to Believer: Embracing the Power of Mediumship
The power of Mediumship is a draw for many. Facilitating Mediumship Development Circles not only involves guiding students but also delving into the profound questions that inevitably arise. As a facilitator, I find myself anticipating and exploring these questions with each circle. I want to share the most common inquiries, and providing insightful answers to […]
Ancient Techniques to Quiet Your Mind
Ancient Techniques to Quiet Your Mind For millennia, people have sought methods to quiet their minds. Long before modern technology introduced new distractions into our lives, humans have pursued inner peace. If you’re seeking a method to quiet your mind and achieve inner peace, these four ancient techniques have proven effective even by today’s standards. […]
Egotism and the Decline of Spiritualism
Egotism Creates Problems Ego is one of the biggest problems in Spiritual Communities. I am sure it has played a factor in every religion. These thoughts are on Spiritualism. I am a Spiritualist, and I have observed a few things over the years. This article was originally published on March 11, 2022, still rings true […]
Ways To Develop Spirituality
Ways to Develop Your Personal Spirituality You may find it daunting to develop spirituality within your own life. There is nothing more beautiful than having found your spiritual path. That said, there’s nothing quite so complicated as knowing how to develop it in ways which will constantly challenge you and change you for the better. […]
Super Blue Moon Tonight
Tonight is the super blue moon, we won’t see this particular lunar twofer again until 2037. That means it is a powerful manifestation tool for those that believe. I think it is time that I work with the power of the Universe instead of struggling… Here is my manifestation for this moon. Super Blue Moon […]