Tag: Spirituality
Mercury in Retrograde – April 28 to May 22, 2016
Mercury in Retrograde is coming and many people dread it. I look forward to it. It seems each time it happens I gain some insight and feel more confident and stronger. This upcoming retrograde is something to help you reflect on relationships. Each retrograde period tends to focus on one particular aspect of our lives, […]
Thoughts on compassion — one that I continue to work on
The world needs more compassion and kindness. Radhanath’s message is simple: by cultivating a genuine practice of service, we can become instruments of compassion and agents of sustainable change in the world. This is a great talk he reminded me that all too often people use people and they love things. This is a […]
Walking the walk isn’t easy; Do it anyways!
Walking the walk you talk is not too common. Sometimes I think that REALTORS are some of the most Spiritual people I know. Bear with me, as I give you an example from my professional experience. I promise, it will make sense about Spirituality. A long time ago back in the early days of my […]
Weekly Affirmation – Trust Spirit
One of the hardest concepts for those wishing a closer connection with Spirit is to trust Spirit. Your guides and intuition are your truest friends. Trusting them takes time and willingness on your part. To help in this process, try using affirmations. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am guided in my every step […]