Natural Law: Guiding Light in a Changing World

Our Changing World The conflict in the Middle East has had me thinking of our changing world.  It has taken me back to the study of Natural Law. The Spiritual connection cannot be overlooked. Natural Law, a concept rooted in philosophy and embraced by various spiritual traditions, serves as a timeless guide for individuals seeking […]

4 mins read

Your Friendly Guide to Types of Readings Available

Hey there, curious seeker! So, you’re curious about the different types of readings you can get from a Psychic Medium, huh? Well, no worries, I’m here to break it down for you.  You’re in touch with a Psychic Medium – cool, right? But hold up, there are different flavors of readings they can offer. Let […]

5 mins read

Mercury in Retrograde – August 23, 2023 to September 15, 2023

Mercury in Retrograde makes many people all nervous.   It doesn’t have to be a time of worry.   This is why I write about each time it comes along.   Just as a heads up — it is back starting on August 23, 2023!  This time there will be a total of 7 planets in retrograde.   It […]

2 mins read

Seeking Feedback: Ego Stroke or Growth Opportunity?

Seeking feedback is a valuable tool for personal and professional growth, helping individuals identify their strengths and areas for improvement. However, not all that seek or give feedback is the same. Some seek feedback with genuine intentions to improve, while others might be secretly fishing for compliments to boost their ego.  Distinguishing between these two […]

8 mins read

Tarot Cards that Indicate Education

Tarot Cards share us insight, and today I am going to share the cards that I believe indicate some form of Education. Like other explorations I have done, there are patterns you can find.  Some of the topics I have previously covered are: Tarot Cards that Indicate Abuse Tarot Cards that Indicate Cheating Tarot Cards […]

7 mins read

8 Signs You Are Wasting Your Life

Are You Wasting Your Life? What image do you have in your mind when you think of someone wasting their life? You probably think of someone very underemployed, living in their parent’s basement, and playing video games. However, even very successful people can be guilty of wasting their lives. If you spend the majority of […]

4 mins read

December 29, 2022 – January 18, 2023 in earth-sign Capricorn

Mercury in Retrograde, yet again it comes around.   Well if the shadow period is any indication, we are in for some serious impact.  Yes it can be a little upsetting, but it doesn’t have to be.   Take time to think before you speak.  Have patience in situations that you cannot control.  Understand that anything that […]

2 mins read

Questions to ask before joining a Spiritual Church

Before joining a Spiritualist Church you may have questions.   Not all Spiritualist Churches are equal.  In fact there are some that are on the brink of total chaos.   You may just not see it at a single visit or even after a few.  Too often, it is after you have joined that the cracks become […]

6 mins read

Seasonal Anxiety Self-Care

Self-Care for Seasonal Anxiety Self-care has been a hot topic for many years now.  It can be applied to seasonal anxiety.  As more people learn how to put themselves first and take care of their own health and well-being. This is a great idea for everyone, but self-care is not always about bubble baths and […]

3 mins read