Tag: Self Confidence
Weekly Affirmation – Manifestation of What I Desire
Manifestation of what I desire is a direct result of my efforts. Not only my physical efforts, but how I think as well.
Weekly Affirmation – Self Acceptance
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am empowered to express myself, to appreciate myself and to accept myself unconditionally.
Walking the walk isn’t easy; Do it anyways!
Walking the walk you talk is not too common. Sometimes I think that REALTORS are some of the most Spiritual people I know. Bear with me, as I give you an example from my professional experience. I promise, it will make sense about Spirituality. A long time ago back in the early days of my […]
Speaking March 27, 2016 – First Spiritualist Church of Erie
On March 27, 2016 at the First Spiritualist Church of Erie I have the honor of speaking at this lovely church in Erie PA. A good friend of mine introduced me to this church last year. Each time I show up there, I feel incredibly loved and at home. My friend John Paananen spoke two weeks […]
Opening the doors of my dreams…
Who knew it was this easy? It never seems to make sense at the time you first think that you could actually become something that you dream about. Then one day that door just all of a sudden appears and you open it for real. Very cool, very exciting time in my life. I have had […]
Much gratitude to be able to serve Spirit
Impromptu opportunity to serve Spirit happened to me today. I was able to serve Spirit by giving some readings at the Statler today at the Statler City Psychic Fair. I wasn’t scheduled but there I was to support a few people that were there. They were short readers for the event. As a result I was able to do some […]
What would happen if we focused on people’s strengths?
Spend more time in your strengths to become happier…. What would happen if we focused on the strengths people have instead of the focus of what we cannot do. There is power is connecting with your strengths. So take some time and live in curiosity. Tap into your strengths. Think about it. Don’t think about […]
Inspiration Stump – First Public Message
Earlier this year I dreamed of this moment. Not once, but many times. I think I did a good job, the other Mediums that were there were patting me on the back. Now it is time to move forward. Keep on going…. I know what it is like to serve Spirit in a way that […]