2021 Ends, 2022 Begins

As I see 2021 ends on a positive note, it has been one of challenges and lots of new things.   There has been growth for me.  Some of it painful, some unexpected and other growth has been fully realized this year.  My blessings outweigh my troubles and things are moving in the right direction.  I […]

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Think Big, Act Boldly, and Increase Your Confidence

Think Big, Act Boldly, and Increase Your Confidence Why do we struggle to act boldly?  Average thinking and actions lead to average results. They also lead to average levels of confidence. It would be nice to just have confidence without doing anything to deserve feelings of confidence, but that’s a tough trick to pull off. […]

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Are You Struggling Working From Home?

3 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health When Working From Home If you’re stuck working from home, unable to see your work colleagues from day to day, you may find yourself struggling with your mental health.  There are many advantages that we have discovered during the Covid-19 crisis.   With that there are some negatives […]

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Is Criticism Always Bad?

Criticism Is Not Always Meant to Be Negative Do you struggle to handle criticism? Because you are not alone.   My mother was so critical of all that I did, that I lost any confidence I had.  Later in life my I surrounded myself with those that were highly critical of me.   I thought that was […]

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Building Your Confidence

A Foolproof Formula for Doubling Your Confidence Confidence is a state of mind, and it’s something that you can build up if you feel like your supply is running low. When you believe in yourself, you feel more secure, and you enjoy greater success. Most of us have times in our life when fears and […]

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Weekly Affirmation – I am the master of my life.

Using affirmations help us rewire our thinking.   You are the master, you can control aspects of your life and learn to live with the disappointments.  It is a matter of mindset.   This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am the master of my life. I have control over the outcomes in my life. In […]

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Are You Committed to Excellence?

Are You Committed to Excellence? Even if you have heard of the term ‘committed to excellence’, do you fully understand what it means? The following quote is from Aristotle and defines what excellence is. “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but […]

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Do You Need the Approval of Others?

Free Yourself from Needing the Approval of Others Since we were children, most of us learned that it could be advantageous to make others happy. Most children want the approval of their parents, teachers, and peers. We tend to carry that same tendency into adulthood. While it’s natural to seek the approval of others, sometimes […]

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