Weekly Affirmation – pleasure in simple things

Repeat three times:I find joy and pleasure in simple things.  The most beautiful and enjoyable things can be the simplest. While many others pursue enjoyment and pleasure in luxuries, I am able to find enjoyment in everyday things. This is where affirmations are a great help.   This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am constantly […]

3 mins read

Your Brain and Mediumship

Using your brain and mediumship is a challenge for those learning to work with Spirit.  The left and right sides of the brain fight each other.   But let’s talk about how you can make these two sides work together and make it easier for you!  We are all different and how it works in each […]

3 mins read

How Productive People Think

How Productive People Think How productive people think is something that I find interesting.  If you want to become more productive, it helps to understand how productive people think.  Even if this way of thinking doesn’t come naturally to you, you can adopt these principles and apply them to your own work life. Priorities matter. […]

2 mins read

Religion and Spirituality are the same, right?

What’s the Difference Between Religion and Spirituality? There’s some confusion going on regarding these two concepts. It’s easy to see why this would be the case, simply because you’re going to find there’s overlap in the definitions. Let’s take this apart and see if we can make more sense of things. Religion, by definition, is […]

3 mins read

Do you need a Support System?

Cultivating Your Support System Having relationships and making friends is part of life. Everyone does it. Having said that, some of us are better at doing it than others. If you’ve found yourself having a hard time making supportive friends, it’s time to take a deep look into yourself and figure out why. After all, […]

4 mins read

2021 Ends, 2022 Begins

As I see 2021 ends on a positive note, it has been one of challenges and lots of new things.   There has been growth for me.  Some of it painful, some unexpected and other growth has been fully realized this year.  My blessings outweigh my troubles and things are moving in the right direction.  I […]

4 mins read

Think Big, Act Boldly, and Increase Your Confidence

Think Big, Act Boldly, and Increase Your Confidence Why do we struggle to act boldly?  Average thinking and actions lead to average results. They also lead to average levels of confidence. It would be nice to just have confidence without doing anything to deserve feelings of confidence, but that’s a tough trick to pull off. […]

4 mins read

What is a Natural Born Medium

I originally posted this post about Natural Born Medium on April 17, 2016. Today I think it matters to many. My experience with the Spiritualist Community has taught me much. Many make money on the Training of Mediums.  Why when I am around many of them all I hear is cash registers ringing?  This constant barrage […]

7 mins read

The Problem With Emotional Vampires

Are Emotional Vampires Draining You Dry? Is your energy constantly being drained by emotional vampires? The people around us affect how we feel and view the world. There are plenty of reasons why some people may drain your energy more than others. You could be dealing with a narcissist, or someone who complains most of […]

3 mins read