Tag: Paying Attention
Observation from Public Mediumship Demonstrations
This was originally posted on May 20, 2018, it still rings true today! I want to open yet another uncomfortable conversation for the Spiritualist community. This time I want to share some things I have witnessed that happen during Public Mediumship Demonstrations. It seems that there are a wide variety of opinions of what […]
Connecting to the Divine Feminine During Menopause
Connecting to the Divine Feminine During Menopause What does the divine feminine have to do with the end of our menstrual cycle? Menopause is often seen as the end of one cycle, but it’s also a powerful doorway into another—a deeper connection to the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine represents intuition, creativity, nurturing, and the […]
Taking Control or Letting Go!
Finding Balance: The Art of Taking Control and Letting Go Am I the only person who struggles with taking control in situations? I often find myself in a constant struggle with taking control. Either I try too hard to control things or I let go and then feel frustrated and angry. This internal tug-of-war can […]
Creating Boundaries between Work and Home
Let Go of the Work Day and Make Your Evenings More Joyful Creating boundaries with work from your home life has become difficult. Prior to the pandemic we always felt the need to check in when we were home. Now many of us are working at home and the lines are blurred resulting in burnout. […]
Weekly Affirmation – Embracing Emotions
Embracing emotions is a struggle for all humans. Emotions sometimes can be messy and uncomfortable. It is also where we learn the most. How we deal with these emotions defines many things in our lives. Both good and bad. So learning to deal with them in a positive manner is helpful. […]
Tapping into your Senses: Subjective and Objective
Subjective and Objective Mediumship: Tapping into Your Spiritual Senses Have you ever heard of subjective and objective in reference to Mediumship? In the world of mediumship, one of the most profound realizations comes from understanding how we receive information from spirit. As mediums, we process these messages in different ways, and this can often be […]
The Unique Qualities of Small Churches in Spiritualism
Have you ever thought about the unique qualities a small church offers? In the realm of spiritualism, small churches possess a charm and authenticity that can be easily overlooked. These intimate congregations, often nestled within local communities, bring forth distinctive qualities that enrich the world of spiritualism. Let’s explore what makes them truly special. Close-knit […]
Our Brains Evolve!
The Fascinating Evolution of the Brain: How We Learn and Grow Isn’t it fascinating how our brains evolve? Every experience we have either benefits or hinders our growth. The brain’s flexibility and capacity for learning—known as neuroplasticity—is a remarkable gift. On a personal level, I’ve noticed my brain changing and adapting at an amazing pace. […]
Navigating Social Media Positively: 5 Techniques to Mitigate Adverse Impact
It is the first of the year and like me you may want to start the year and mitigate adverse impact that social media has in your life. There’s no denying that there’s a lot of good that we can take from social media. The most important is that it allows us to connect with […]
Navigating Holiday Stress: Strategies for Healthy Family Dynamics
It’s holiday season again, and family dynamics can bring anxiety. Strategies for stress reduction are crucial. Remind yourself that “No” is a complete sentence. That is exactly what we are doing this year — saying no to the stress. In fact, we have over the years found the simpler the holiday the better it is […]