Tag: Paying Attention
Autism and Spirituality – Is there a connection?
I see much of it in children of several of my friends. I don’t remember growing up seeing Autism. When my son was born it was a time that we were just learning about vaccines and association of Autism. Now considered bad science, but something that I researched extensively. I studied much about the topic […]
Why do I write about my experiences?
This is stuff that I have learned that Google cannot answer. It is sharing of experiences that we learn lessons and it sharing them we help others on their journey.
George Orwell Wisdom for Today
This post about thoughts from George Orwell was originally posted on June 11, 2016, I think it resonates with the times we are in right now. I see this so much clearly now. I think to myself that the world is spinning around and there is so much negativity. We all have lost the ability […]
Defining a New Normal
Everyone is excited about a new normal these days. This Covid-19 experience has changed a lot of things for everyone. Globally there is nobody that does not have some impact. With all the negativity surrounding these times, there has to be a silver lining with the pandemic. People have time to reflect and are becoming […]
The Pandemic Waiting Game
This is an unprecedented time in history and it can be scary. You can either live in fear or have faith that it will all work out in the end. I choose faith. How about you?
Something new….
In my recovery from major surgery I am in search of something new. What that is I am not quite sure of. What I am sure is that there are so many changes happening to my body I am not entirely sure how to handle them. I look in the mirror and I want […]
Focus on the new… have faith everything will make sense!
Focus on the new when I am reeling from a situation? Seriously?!!! Sounds rather trite doesn’t it? Well let me share something that happened to me and it has helped me focus on the new rather than whatever is lost. I am a little in shock, then I realize God removes things, situations and […]
Road to Recovery
On May 14th I had my first surgery in my BRCA2 journey and I am on the road to recovery. It is quite jarring to discover that you have a genetic mutation that interrupts your body’s ability to fight certain cancers. I wasn’t entirely sure what I would experience with this surgery. So […]
Answers are not always easily found…
Easily found answers in this BRCA2 journey I am currently on are just not that–well easy. Search hashtags like #BRCA2 #previvor #mastectomy and you get a flurry of information that just is not easy to digest. You hear more horror stories than the uplifting reassuring ones. There is a ton of advise on the inter-webs. […]
Focus on the good…
Focus on the good. We hear it so often, yet we are never really taught how to do just that. There are so many times you can fall into despair over what is happening in your life. You face many challenges and it just doesn’t seem like you can’t get a break. The harder you […]