Tag: Music
White Rabbits! White Rabbits! White Rabbits!
Tradition of saying White Rabbits! I first heard about “White Rabbits!” from my friend, Trisha Posner (by the way she published a great book — The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: The Untold Story) posts this great tradition on her Facebook page. Every month I see it and say damn she beat me to it again! This […]
Healing Waters by Mr. Mister
Here is #14 in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song. We put “inspirational” in quotes because this will not necessarily be not in the traditional sense, like something you might sing in church. We welcome you to message us with what songs inspire you. The band Mr. Mister hit it Really […]
The Healing Power of Music: Messages from Beyond
Listening to music feels like curling up in my favorite blanket on a cold, rainy day. Music creates a space where we can freely feel sadness when we need to be sad, or anger when we need to be angry. It’s our best friend, offering comfort when it feels like no one else understands […]
Spiritual Song Series – Sky Watcher
It’s been a while since the most recent post on this topic, so here is #12 in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song. We put “inspirational” in quotes because this will not necessarily be not in the traditional sense, like something you might sing in church. We welcome you to message […]
“My Grown-up Christmas List” by Natalie Cole
Here is #9 in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song. Spiritual Song Series – “My Grown-up Christmas List” by Natalie Cole.
Spiritual Song Series – “The Greatest” by Kenny Rogers
Spiritual Song Series – “The Greatest” by Kenny Rogers. Here is #8 in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song.
Do You Want More Fun?
Ways to Fit More Fun into Your Day Playtime isn’t just for children. Having fun is essential to your health and well-being at any age. When you’re enjoying yourself, you’re also reducing stress, increasing your energy levels, building stronger relationships, and promoting learning. Be proud of your decision to goof off on a regular basis. […]
Spiritual Song Series – “Let It Be” by The Beatles
Spiritual Song Series – “Let It Be” by The Beatles
Imagine by John Lennon
I was driving today by myself and lost in thought when the song Imagine by John Lennon started to play. As I was passing a church, so I thought well that is rather interesting timing. I had gotten an email from one of my friends the night before and we had been discussing back and […]
A place the Angels call home…
A place the Angels call home was originally posted on July 25, 2016, but I felt I should share it today. You see, there is so much sadness in this world, and there is great need for hope. That is what I find in this beautiful song. Not everyone believes in Angels and that is […]