Finding Strength as the Family Outcast

Finding strength as the family outcast can be difficult.   You have all the emotions, and most likely very little support.  If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve felt the sting of not quite fitting in with your family. Perhaps it’s the way you see the world, the choices you’ve made, or simply who you are […]

6 mins read

Affirmation of the Week – Process Loneliness

Let’s talk about loneliness.  Take a deep breath and feel the air filling your lungs, bringing you peace. This week’s affirmation reminds you that even in moments of solitude, you are never truly alone. Love surrounds you, both seen and unseen, and you are deeply connected to the world around you. “I am whole, loved, […]

1 min read

Weekly Affirmation – Fighting Loneliness

Fighting Loneliness is a tough battle.   The hardest part is finding joy in being alone.  Sometimes we need to change our thinking.  We are social creatures by nature, being alone is uncomfortable.   How about trying an affirmation to change your mindset?   This week’s affirmation is as follows: I do not need the company of […]

1 min read