The Cost of Speaking Out and the Strength It Brings

There is a cost to speaking out. I have felt it deeply. When I have taken a stand, people have walked away. Friendships (and family) I thought were solid disappeared, and I found myself questioning whether I had made a mistake. But with time, I realized something profound: if standing by my values makes people […]

3 mins read

From Isolation to Unity: Choosing Kindness Over Division

The path from isolation to unity is going to be a bumpy ride.  The idea that humanity is being forced to reconnect and rebuild community deeply resonates with me.  Over on Threads, Sarah-Louise Steinhardt (@sarahlouiseanderson) recently shared this thought, and it feels like a truth we’ve all been moving toward. Whether by choice or necessity, […]

8 mins read

Focus on the new… have faith everything will make sense!

  Focus on the new when I am reeling from a situation?   Seriously?!!! Sounds rather trite doesn’t it?   Well let me share something that  happened to me and it has helped me focus on the new rather than whatever is lost. I am a little in shock, then I realize God removes things, situations and […]

4 mins read

Something to think about….

There is something about being bullied.   Most of my life I have been.   From my childhood family to the school yard then into the workforce and in romantic relationships it has happened.   This talk gives you something to think about.   How do you deal with a bully without turning into a thug?   It is an […]

1 min read