Identifying Your Needs

Tips For Identifying Your Needs Identifying your needs isn’t always easy.  The majority of people didn’t sit down and learn what they need to feel secure, loved, and safe. We only start to put this information together once you experience security, love, and safety. When we’re on the receiving end of these we recognize that […]

4 mins read

Questions to ask before joining a Spiritual Church

Before joining a Spiritualist Church you may have questions.   Not all Spiritualist Churches are equal.  In fact there are some that are on the brink of total chaos.   You may just not see it at a single visit or even after a few.  Too often, it is after you have joined that the cracks become […]

6 mins read

Not Everyone Looks Forward to Thanksgiving

Not everyone looks forward to Thanksgiving.   Some people, myself included, associate the holiday not as a joyous one but one to survive.   This year, I am feeling it deeply.   I grew up in a huge messy family.   We all have splintered across the US. The memories of cooking for days, going to the Broadway Market […]

2 mins read

Stick to your Nightly Routine

Establish Your Nightly Routine & Stick To It Human beings thrive on routine. If you are a parent, you know how true this is. And while most of us will do a good job setting and sticking to a routine for our kids, we don’t do as well for ourselves. It’s time to change that. […]

3 mins read

It is neither Positive nor Negative

We often misread energy that is around us.   Often it is our lack of understanding of this energy and that it is neither positive nor negative, it is our perception of that energy.   What is positive to the spider is negative to the fly in its web. There are two types of reactions to energy […]

3 mins read

Stories For Platform – Value

Once again another story for the platform about value.   Some people do not understand the and sell themselves short.  Sure we think that it is possible that we are worth more then we sell our services for.   Too often it changes our confidence. The Water Example A bottle of water at Costco is $0.25. The […]

1 min read

Power of Visualization

The Benefits and Power of Visualization There is power in visualization, to see yourself where you want to be.   The power of intention is at your fingertips.  This can be work, personal and even with your mediumship!  If you can see the goal by envisioning it and believe it because you have supporting facts, you […]

2 mins read

How to Create More Productivity and Focus

The First Hour of Your Day Who doesn’t want more productivity out of their day?  What’s the first thing you do when you get started each morning? For many of us, it’s a rush to the PC to check email, which leads to immediately getting bogged down in routine and “have to do” tasks. The […]

4 mins read

Affirmation – Free of Hesitation

Do you want to be free of hesitation?  Start using affirmations.   Change how you speak to yourself.  Use talk like this:  Today, I realize my opinion is important and meaningful. I continue to share my thoughts boldly and confidently. Think: I am free of hesitation. I know my opinion matters. Remember to say:  I am […]

1 min read