Tag: Faith
Weekly Affirmation – Stay Strong
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I just naturally find it easy to stay strong even during the hardest of times
Weekly Affirmation – Solving Problems
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am confident about solving life’s problems successfully.
Powerful Benefits of Breaking Bad Habits
Powerful Benefits of Breaking Bad Habits It’s obvious when habits start to consume your life. While as obvious as it is, that doesn’t mean doing the work to improve it is easier. Breaking bad habits requires change, and even if it’s a good change, it can be uncomfortable or intimidating to get started. It requires […]
Affirmation – Work to Overcome Fear
We all experience fear and we must work to over come them. Fear is normal, what is not normal is to let it over run your life. Stopping you from enjoying the people and things that surround you. Fortunately, you can break the negativity in its tracks. This is where affirmations are a great help. […]
Weekly Affirmation – My Faith
When I start to feel overwhelmed, I remember that my faith is bigger than my difficulties. I take refuge in my spiritual beliefs. My faith gives me comfort. It lights my way through the darkness. When I read about war and crime, I remember that there is also good in the world. When I experience […]
Weekly Affirmation – Releasing the Past
Releasing the past is not always easy. When life goes in a way you don’t want it to there is a reason. Many times it is our inability to let go of the past that stops us in our tracks. Using affirmations can assist you to successfully let go. This week’s affirmation is as follows: […]
Don’t call me BRAVE…
Originally I wrote this on March 23, 2019. Today I understand how brave I was to make these decisions about my life. It was a very difficult two years of my life. Since then I have learned bravery is pushing through the fear and doing what is necessary. Even if you are terrified. In the […]
The Benefits of Failure and Imagination
This post was originally posted on September 20, 2016. I think it means even more today than then. Let yourself decide what is failure is and not what others define. Failure strips away the unnecessary in your life. It makes you focus on what really matters to you. It sets you free. You may not […]
Attract a Buyer With a Spiritual Cleansing
Attracting a Buyer with a Spiritual Cleansing There are things you can do to attract a home buyer to your home. Some are basics, cleaning your home, staging it, but there is a spiritual aspect that you may want to add to your preparation of your home for sale. You may have heard of he […]
Spirituality and Religion — same or different?
Originally written in 2016, this continues to be a popular post the question so powerful about religious people. Are you Religious or Spiritual? This is a post that has sat in draft since March, each day I come to it and write something, edit something out, fix a sentence or exit without making a change. […]