Tag: Ethics
With great power comes great responsibility
With Mediumship Comes Responsibility: Why Words Matter “With great power comes great responsibility.” This iconic line from Spider-Man resonates deeply when applied to mediumship. Early in my journey, a friend shared this quote with me, and it has stayed with me ever since. Once you understand the impact of your words, you also become responsible […]
Observation from Public Mediumship Demonstrations
This was originally posted on May 20, 2018, it still rings true today! I want to open yet another uncomfortable conversation for the Spiritualist community. This time I want to share some things I have witnessed that happen during Public Mediumship Demonstrations. It seems that there are a wide variety of opinions of what […]
Cultural Sensitivity in Mediumship
In the realm of Mediumship, the importance of cultural sensitivity cannot be overstated. As mediums, our work involves connecting with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Each with their own unique traditions, beliefs, and perspectives. It is essential that we approach our practice with humility, openness, and a deep respect for the richness of cultural diversity. […]
Are you Overhearing Thoughts of Others?
Overhearing thoughts comes up in development circles. This post was originally written on October 16, 2018 and still is useful for those learning. I am going to tell you a story about overhearing thoughts of others. My friend Scott and I were business partners as my awareness of Spirit and acknowledgment that it was […]
Let’s Talk About Mediumship Failures
Often we talk about various aspects of mediumship. But I want to focus on some common Mediumship Failures that happen with all Mediums at some point. Even great Mediums slip up and set themselves up to fail when they make these mistakes. There are many times we focus on the successes of Mediumship, but […]
How existing fortune-telling laws may affect you…
Why are there fortune-telling laws? To all of those Metaphysical Professionals out there that are charging to remove negative entities from a home you may want to rethink your business. At least in New York state. I see and hear many things at psychic fairs and at various gatherings of Metaphysical people and I […]
Ghost Hunting – Just stop already!
Ghost hunting has always bothered me. I talk with Spirit all the time. I am of white light and of positive energy. I am a connection between two worlds and a positive one at that. I find nothing positive about going around with all sorts of equipment to record the torture of a soul. I […]
Light Workers Code of Ethics
As a REALTOR, I had a code of ethics that bind me in my daily operations in the business. In fact, I had to take a 3 hour Code of Ethics course every two years. That is how serious they take ethics This is a work in process. I have learned from the REALTOR Code […]
“When she awoke, the world was on fire.”
“When she awoke, the world was on fire.” ― Scott Westerfeld, Uglies Fire is amazing. When she awoke, the world was on fire struck me as a beautiful statement of where I am right now. I have been in a huge growth Spiritually and you could say that I am on fire. A direct result […]
There is a storm coming…
I wrote this originally on May 19, 2017 about a storm coming. I am bringing it forward because I think it is important to speak out about the storm that is coming and it has the potential of being bad if we give into negativity and sit paralyzed. Can you feel it? I can’t […]