Are you paying attention?

Over the past few months I have been paying attention to what has been happening in this country.   What happened yesterday morning has me completely shaken.   Because at the time that the Terrorist walked into a congregation and shot and killed so many, I too was in church.   Granted a different church […]

5 mins read

Believe her when she says there is a problem…

Believe her is common cry these days.  I was profoundly affected when I first saw this talk by Ashley Judd.    She too has been made out to be a bad person, so I am sure that is why I relate to her.  Do I agree with everything she says  or how she has gone about […]

3 mins read

It is official… I am now Rev. Colleen Kulikowski

In my Spiritual Journey so far, I have had many milestones… Today was a special one as I was Ordained by Dan Chesboro at Inner Balance Wellness Center.   My mentor Jack Rudy was there as was several friends. One person there was there when I spoke with 10 minutes warning and reminded me that I […]

1 min read

October 14, 2016 -Register in NY for General Election Deadline

Citizens Responsibility It is all of our responsibility to ensure that this country is run properly.   There is a lot of talk these days about this one or that one being evil.   Everyone is focusing their efforts to vote for the lesser of the two evils.   Well as Jerry Garcia said “choosing the lesser of […]

2 mins read