Empowerment and Self-Esteem

The Connection between Personal Empowerment and Self-Esteem Self-esteem is an important element of success. It’s also an integral component of self-empowerment. Without a belief in yourself, it’s difficult to accomplish your goals. In this article we’ll explore definitions of personal empowerment and self-esteem and then talk about how they overlap. What Is Self-Esteem? Many people […]

3 mins read

Change is Hard!

Change Is Hard – How to Take the Leap You’ve likely heard the saying that “change is hard.” You may also have heard the saying that “change is inevitable.” In fact, there are hundreds of quotes about change because it is a constant and often terrifying aspect of human life. Even when you’re the one […]

3 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Fighting Loneliness

Fighting Loneliness is a tough battle.   The hardest part is finding joy in being alone.  Sometimes we need to change our thinking.  We are social creatures by nature, being alone is uncomfortable.   How about trying an affirmation to change your mindset?   This week’s affirmation is as follows: I do not need the company of […]

1 min read

Rediscover Your Life

Get Out of the House and Rediscover Your Life Rediscover your life?   Do you feel lost or adrift?   Perhaps all this pandemic isolation has gotten to you.  If your friends have vanished over the years, you might find yourself spending too much time alone at home. It doesn’t take long before you feel lonely and […]

4 mins read

The Human Experience – Dealing with Conflict

I have been fearless in my willingness to admit my failings and have found compassion in several instances in my life.   I must be steadfast in my trust that the Universe has this and that by being loving and compassionate all will be as it needs to be.

5 mins read

Don’t call me BRAVE…

Originally I wrote this on March 23, 2019. Today I understand how brave I was to make these decisions about my life.   It was a very difficult two years of my life.  Since then I have learned bravery is pushing through the fear and doing what is necessary.  Even if you are terrified.   In the […]

6 mins read

The Benefits of Failure and Imagination

This post was originally posted on September 20, 2016. I think it means even more today than then.   Let yourself decide what is failure is and not what others define.  Failure strips away the unnecessary in your life.   It makes you focus on what really matters to you.   It sets you free.  You may not […]

3 mins read