Tag: Control
Principles Rules & Boundaries Talk – Attunement Spiritualist Church
It is always an honor to speak and I am most grateful for the opportunity to speak on January 21st about Boundaries. We all struggle with healthy boundaries. Many times they are created to keep us safe and other times This talk covers the process of how I use My Three Words and implementing them […]
Are you ready for summer?
As I sit and write this, I am sitting in front of a portable heater, I have my cabin socks on that I got for Christmas. I am dressed in my favorite flannel pjs and I have a blanket on my lap. It is in the 40’s and I am chilled to the bone. Yes, […]
There are lessons to be learned
There are so many lessons to be learned in life. We all need to learn them and we don’t all learn at the same rate. Some of us repeat mistakes over and over again until we finally understand the lesson. Then again, some lessons we learn are done so by watching others and their failures. […]
Have you ever done a pre-mortum?
Pre-Mortum? Learned something today – “Number Needed to Treat”. The next time a Dr. wants me to be put on a medication, I will ask! Watch this video and you will know what I am talking about.
Get out and Vote!
This summer I stood at the very same podium Susan B. Anthony did at Lily Dale. She spoke of woman’s rights and fought for my right to vote. Today I honor her sacrifice and that of all that came before me to fight for the rights that I have and I voted. 77th voter in […]
October 14, 2016 -Register in NY for General Election Deadline
Citizens Responsibility It is all of our responsibility to ensure that this country is run properly. There is a lot of talk these days about this one or that one being evil. Everyone is focusing their efforts to vote for the lesser of the two evils. Well as Jerry Garcia said “choosing the lesser of […]
Giving myself messages via Social Media
Often I schedule posts out on Social Media. Not sure why or when they get shuffled and new ones are launched before others that have been set up for awhile sit. There is no accident when they happen this way. Last night this quote automatically appeared just at the moment I needed to see it. […]
Weekly Affirmation – Pay attention to inner conflict….
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I listen lovingly to this inner conflict and reflect on it until I get to peace around it.
There is Magic out there for YOU!
Magic happens. I find it interesting that the more optimistic that I become the more wonderful things happen. It is almost funny because as humans we have a choice in how we look at things. The power of our happiness is how we chose to look at them. I propose this to you — what […]
This about sums up my week!
A series of problems with deals that I am working that are completely out of my control. Personally — there is so much shit going on at home with contractors not doing what they promised, and stuff that was put away safely that cannot be found. My cell phone decided that it needed to be factory […]