Identifying Your Needs

Tips For Identifying Your Needs Identifying your needs isn’t always easy.  The majority of people didn’t sit down and learn what they need to feel secure, loved, and safe. We only start to put this information together once you experience security, love, and safety. When we’re on the receiving end of these we recognize that […]

4 mins read

How to Read Tarot Cards

How to Read Tarot Cards There are many ways to read tarot cards and the interpretations are many.  Although interpretations of tarot cards may differ from one interpreter to another, there are many universal symbols on cards that are permanent. The more knowledge you have about symbolism, the easier it will be to understand its […]

3 mins read

How to pick a Medium to work with…

How to pick a Medium is always a popular question.  Lily Dale Assembly season starts soon.   There is a lot of demand for readings in Lily Dale and there is a variety of Registered Mediums that can give you a private reading on the grounds.  Now there is even more questions for Mediums online. […]

4 mins read

Are You Going Crazy?

Feeling like you are going crazy or that you are losing your mind?   If you find yourself wondering if you are crazy, it probably means you are sane. Initially psychic opening feels like this.  People who are going through it often start their conversations with lines like you are going to think I am crazy […]

5 mins read

People Fail So Badly at Taking Care of Themselves

Why People Fail So Badly at Taking Care of Themselves Even when you know how important self-care is to your well-being, it isn’t always easy to incorporate it into your daily routine. In fact, did you know many people fail when it comes to taking care of themselves? Here, we’ll look at why people generally […]

3 mins read

Questions to ask before joining a Spiritual Church

Before joining a Spiritualist Church you may have questions.   Not all Spiritualist Churches are equal.  In fact there are some that are on the brink of total chaos.   You may just not see it at a single visit or even after a few.  Too often, it is after you have joined that the cracks become […]

6 mins read

Not Everyone Looks Forward to Thanksgiving

Not everyone looks forward to Thanksgiving.   Some people, myself included, associate the holiday not as a joyous one but one to survive.   This year, I am feeling it deeply.   I grew up in a huge messy family.   We all have splintered across the US. The memories of cooking for days, going to the Broadway Market […]

2 mins read

Self-Care Blind Spots

Common Blind Spots When Working on Self Care There are some self-care blind spots I want to talk about.   When it comes to working on self-care, all of us have different blind spots. These are basically aspects of our ourselves that aren’t fully aware of. It could be personality traits, feelings, or actions. These blind […]

3 mins read

Goal Setting for Success

Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself? Goal setting is something we should talk about.  There is a lot more to goal setting than just picking a goal and moving forward. While that is important, it’s also important to ensure that you are setting the right goals at the right time so that you […]

6 mins read