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Interesting Reflection….
I am spending time in reflection today. September 11th in 2001 the world changed as we knew it. It changed my world in ways that I cannot believe happened. I am also happier than it was 15 years ago.
There is no security on the earth,
there is only opportunity.
– General Douglas MacArthur
I was working as a Consultant at the time in NYC. I traveled a lot back then. That year I spent much time flying to one location to another. I was also responsible for our company’s monthly newsletter. We had a section that always had an inspirational quote. The newsletter went out late mailing it on September 10th. The quote above was the quote for the month in that newsletter.
Reflection on 9/11
So with this being the 15th anniversary of this event I have been reflecting a lot on that event and how it affected me. I worked in the Towers North and South and I have been in the subbasement which now is the reflecting pools at the memorial. Too many people I knew many that passed away that day. I was getting ready to start a consulting engagement that week. A series of events made sure I was not there that day. It started my Spiritual journey.
There are no accidents. Everything does happen for a reason. At the time it really did not make much sense why my world would be turned upside down. There were some lessons I needed learn, I had much to fix in my life. My life is changing rapidly once again. Fifteen years ago I was terrified of any change. Today I accept each one with grace and understanding. If you knew me then, I am not the same woman. I am changing and it is beautiful.