Define Success – Your Version Not What Others Say!
Four Steps to Defining Your Own Success
I most often speak of mediumship, but some skills translate to other areas of your life. Once you learn to define success on your own terms in one area of your life, it is easy to carry it to other areas. Success is variable. To one person, it is buying a house; to another, success is finally getting a promotion at their job; and to someone else, it’s retiring early. No matter what success looks like to you, it Is important to truly define and clarify it to better achieve it.
Defining what success means to you allows you to stay on track by forming clear goals and action steps. In other words, the more you know what success looks like or means to you, the more likely you are to go after it and get it done.
Here are four steps to follow to define your own success.
Step One: Identify
For step one, it is important to ask yourself some key questions. This step helps you determine what is most important to you and in your life. Ask yourself:
- “What do I need to feel happy and balanced?”
- “What moves me to get out of bed each day?”
- “Do I require more than one thing in life to gain success?”
- “Do I feel successful due to the things I gain, people I meet, experiences, or everything?”
Step Two: Visualize
Next, take the questions you answered from step one and visualize them as if you already had them. You can even use visualization to refine your answers further to understand better what you need to be happy and fulfilled.
For example, close your eyes and imagine yourself at your most balanced and happy self. What items, people, or things are you experiencing or noticing? How does your vision make you feel emotionally speaking? Finally, take note of your responses for step three.
Step Three: Clarify
As you use visualization to identify what you need to be happy in life, take a moment to reflect on how you feel. For example, do you feel nervous, excited, calm or happy? These feelings are important as they can give you an idea of how you truly feel. For example, you may think you want certain things, but in reality, this may actually cause stress instead.
Step Four: Define
Finally, it is time to take all the information you gathered from steps one to three and put it together to make your own definition of success. Is it through improving your relationships, getting a promotion at work, or finally trying your favorite hobby?
Remember, how you define success is only important to you. Don’t let judgment or the fear of being different persuade your idea; as long as it inspires you to take action and increases your happiness, that is all that is important.
Follow these steps to unlock and define your idea of success. Remember, just because your idea of success doesn’t relate to others doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Success is about what makes you happy on a daily basis or inspires you to continue each day fully and happily. The clearer your idea of success is, the happier you will become.