Category: Weekly Affirmations
Weekly Affirmation – Utilize your talents!
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I have been given endless talents which I begin to utilize today.
Weekly Affirmation – You are the Universe….
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
The universe is for me and with me and responds to me in positive and constructive ways.
Weekly Affirmation – Saying No
Learning to say no is an empowering act of self-respect. When we say no, we protect our boundaries and create space for what truly matters. This affirmation will help you build confidence in making choices that honor your well-being. This weeks affirmation is as follows: Every no makes room for a more meaningful yes About […]
Weekly Affirmation – Push Through the Fear
It is hard to push through the fear when you are afraid. I know first had that fear and how easy it is to stop because of it. You too may be struggling with it. This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks affirmation is as follows: When new opportunities come my way […]
Weekly Affirmation – Opportunity
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
Today, the door is opened for all opportunities for me.
Weekly Affirmation – The Power of Today
Resilience is a skill we learn over time. Some of us take more time than others. It is the ability to recover quickly from a loss or defeat. Finding the wherewithal to stand up and begin again. This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks affirmation is as follows: In the present […]
Weekly Affirmation – Independent Thought
This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am a confident, independent thinker. I am always aware of the truth, independent of the approval of others. Loneliness is not something that is easy to overcome, but it is in those times that we must really start to practice self love. Take the time and support and love […]
Weekly Affirmation – Dealing with Guilt
Dealing with guilt is something we all have to do at one time or another in our life. Guilt is a natural emotion, but when it lingers, it can weigh us down and block our personal growth. By releasing guilt, we allow ourselves to move forward, forgive ourselves, and embrace healing. This is where affirmations […]
Weekly Affirmation – Building Goals
Building goals for yourself is an important part of improving your life, you also have to believe in them. To believe in them affirmations can assist you. This week’s affirmation is as follows: I am becoming totally focused on achieving my goals while eliminating old beliefs that no longer serve me. About Weekly Affirmations Each […]
Affirmation – Guilt
I have been dealing with a lot of guilt lately. And it is all over me doing something that is good for me, while causing discomfort for others. The people pleaser in me is not happy. It is a decision that I have taken a long time to come to. It started last year at […]