Category: Uncomfortable Conversations
Stop Overthinking Your Relationship!
5 Telltale Signs You are Overthinking Your Relationship When you overthinking your relationship you can be creating problems. Think back to your first romance. Chances are you’re probably thinking about something that happened to you in school, or not long after. These were the days when everything was brand new. When every touch, gesture, and […]
The First Steps to Change are Hardest
The First Step to Change is to Recognize it is Needed The first steps to changing your life are the hardest. They feel strange and the struggle is real! If you’re struggling to make healthier changes in your life, it could be that you’re not convinced a change is needed. Many of us are also […]
What is Self-Hatred
What is Self-Hatred Self-hatred is easy to fall into. Could it be possible you hate yourself too much? Self-hatred is more than simply not liking yourself. When you suffer with self-hatred, you’ll constantly put yourself down and feel like you aren’t good at anything. Here, we’ll look at what self-hatred is, the impact it can […]
Shift Your Perspective to Live a Happier Life
How to Shift Your Perspective to Live a Happier Life Sometimes all you need to do is shift your perspective to be happy. Drama, stress, and other challenging obstacles or situations will always be a natural part of your life. It is highly unlikely you can avoid them altogether, but you can control how they […]
Daily Habits to Follow to Stay Motivated
Daily Habits to Follow to Stay Motivated To stay motivated when you struggle is tough. Have you thought about what keeps famous and hyper-productive people motivated? Well, it is likely at some point, they struggled too, just like you. Finally, however, they found and implemented certain habits to keep them productive and motivated in the […]
Building Self Discipline to Achieve More Goals
Building Self-Discipline to Achieve More Goals Self-discipline is essential for a successful life. It’s simple. To achieve your goals, you must take action. This requires the ability to push forward and take the necessary steps to get it done. You can’t expect others to accomplish them for you or force you to get it done. […]
How to Prioritize Your Goals
How to Prioritize Your Goals In order to prioritize your goals you’ll need to have a good understanding of what you need to be happy in your life. There are typically four areas in which most people make goals: Family – Spending more time with your kids or partner Financial – Saving toward your six […]
Change is Hard!
Change Is Hard – How to Take the Leap You’ve likely heard the saying that “change is hard.” You may also have heard the saying that “change is inevitable.” In fact, there are hundreds of quotes about change because it is a constant and often terrifying aspect of human life. Even when you’re the one […]
2021 Ends, 2022 Begins
As I see 2021 ends on a positive note, it has been one of challenges and lots of new things. There has been growth for me. Some of it painful, some unexpected and other growth has been fully realized this year. My blessings outweigh my troubles and things are moving in the right direction. I […]
Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children
Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children Emotionally intelligent children grow into secure adults. Children who are more connected emotionally to their parents tend to do better in school. They have fewer behavioral issues, and grow up to be well adjusted. Most parents mean well, and want their children to grow up emotionally healthy. Yet, sometimes they make […]