Spiritualism Crossroads: Progress or Stagnation?

Spiritualism’s Crossroads: Progress or Stagnation? Spiritualism was founded by free thinkers—visionaries who challenged the norms of their time. Many pioneers were women. They saw Spiritualism as a way to connect with the spirit world and fight for social change. Their advocacy for women’s rights, abolition, and equality was core to the movement. Today, the movement […]

3 mins read

Bullying Beyond Belief: Identifying and Confronting Toxic Behavior in Church

It often surprises people that there is toxic behavior in Spiritualist Churches.  In the realm of spiritual communities, one might assume that kindness, compassion, and unity prevail. However, just like any other sphere of society, religious organizations are not immune to the scourge of bullying. It’s a topic often brushed under the rug, as we […]

5 mins read

Project 2025: A Spiritual Perspective on its Impact

Project 2025: A Spiritual Perspective on its Impact on Women and Marginalized Groups Project 2025, a plan by conservative groups, aims to reshape the U.S. government if Republicans win in 2024. As a Spiritualist Minister, I reflect on how policies align with compassion, inclusivity, and respect. This proposed document raises many concerns, especially for women […]

7 mins read

Diversity Discussions within the Workplace

Avoiding Cultural Sensitivities in the Workplace Diversity is a fascinating thing, don’t you think? There’s so much to learn about cultures other than your own. Unfortunately, as with almost everything else, there is a downside to diversity. It has to do with lack of cultural awareness. With everything going on in the news these days, […]

3 mins read

Navigating Attacks on Your Beliefs: A Guide to Graceful Responses

Navigating attacks on your beliefs is not something we talk about enough and perhaps we should. Such confrontations often come at the most inconvenient times, catching us off guard. Unfortunately, we don’t discuss this enough in spiritual communities, leaving many unprepared for these challenging interactions. While discussing these interactions won’t make past experiences better, it […]

8 mins read

The Role of Privilege in Spirituality: Examining Power Dynamics in Mediumship

Exploring Privilege in Spiritualism: Making Spirituality Accessible for All We hear a lot about privilege these days. My husband and I talk about it frequently. As I explore the history of Spiritualism, I see it played out. Spirituality is for everyone, but it is not easily accessible to everyone.  There are so many things that […]

2 mins read

A talk about Belief Systems (AKA: Religion)

Belief Systems are deeply personal.   Many feel very passionately about their belief system.   Too often people get stuck in the dogma and they do not change and grow.  In Religious people, I see that happening all to often.   In many cases it is the traditions that keep thing the same.   As the (insert Religion here) […]

4 mins read

Psychic Fairs – An Uncomfortable Conversation…

I originally wrote this uncomfortable conversation in 2018.  It was a way to have a serious dialogue that needs to be opened about Psychic Fairs.   Ultimately it affects the end consumer — those looking for a reading.  Good practitioners are being harmed by poorly run psychic fairs and metaphysical events.  It is time to talk […]

9 mins read

You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone Though it may feel like like it, you are not alone in struggling to navigate the dynamics of family relationships.  Family relationships are not always easy. There are divorces, stepparents, siblings and sibling rivalries. Step-brothers and sisters, half-brothers and sisters, in-laws. Aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents. Deaths. Births. All […]

3 mins read