Category: About Mediumship
This is a safe place to learn about Mediumship. When you are called to it –it can be scary, it doesn’t have to be. I remember coming into this power and not sure of what it all meant. Or watching a medium and wondering if I could be that accurate. I am here to tell you that yes, you can and your purpose will evolve as you do.
Learning about Mediumship is one that can bring you great joy. If you find yourself struggling with a teacher — find another. You should feel safe and encouraged. Frustration is part of the process as you and your guides find a way to communicate. I promise you at some point you will stop trying to figure out how and just do.
So take what you can from here and apply it to your life.
Wednesday Night Healing Service
Healing Service Every Wednesday night in Lily Dale during the off season (September to June) there is a Healing and Message Service that happens at 7:30 pm. This hour long service shows joint cooperation in Lily Dale lead each week by Joanne Copley-Nigro. Each month a different church will chair this beautiful evening. This service […]
Interesting Reflection….
I am spending time in reflection today. September 11th in 2001 the world changed as we knew it. It changed my world in ways that I cannot believe happened. I am also happier than it was 15 years ago. There is no security on the earth, there is only opportunity. – General Douglas MacArthur I […]
Reflections from an exercise in class…
I was lucky to take a class in Lily Dale this summer as a coordinator which the Instructor included us in. It was fun and I learned a lot. On the first day we were given homework. Name three people we admire and write down their attributes that we are drawn to. Write down why […]
The Magic of a Fairy
Every once in awhile I am reminded about a Fairy. Usually when I am at a cynical point in my life. Especially when I am taking myself too seriously. Perhaps we need to believe in fairies and a world full of love and magic. Hate and violence take away joy. Fear usually starts this process. […]
Upcoming Speakers-Local Area Spiritualist Churches for July 2016
It is the beginning of summer and it is going to be a busy one! July 3 and 10 I will be down in Erie PA. The rest of July I hope to catch some of the Lily Dale season. Lily Dale Season Church of the Living Spirit – Lily Dale and Lily Dale Spiritualist […]
The Full Moon tonight…
Tonight’s full moon is significant because it also happens on Summer Solstice. The last strawberry moon occurring on the solstice occurred on June 22 1967. The next one will be in 46 years — June 21, 2062. For me, that means this is the second one in my lifetime and living another 46 years I will […]
Inspiration Stump – a change in energy!
Lily Dale Lily Dale This place is special to me of the two places in Lily Dale during season I prefer the Stump over the Forest Temple. The energy here is stronger of the two places and that this why I always preferred its energy. But I have a new reason why I feel so […]
Serving Others… Quickest way to find joy…
Yesterday was pretty amazing day… A fellow Medium and I went on an adventure together and it filled me with such joy. We went down to the First Spiritualist Church in Erie. We had planned on going to Lily Dale the day before, but a little voice in my head said, go to Erie. So we […]