A talk about Belief Systems (AKA: Religion)

Belief Systems are deeply personal.   Many feel very passionately about their belief system.   Too often people get stuck in the dogma and they do not change and grow.  In Religious people, I see that happening all to often.   In many cases it is the traditions that keep thing the same.   As the (insert Religion here) […]

4 mins read

Psychic Fairs – An Uncomfortable Conversation…

I originally wrote this uncomfortable conversation in 2018.  It was a way to have a serious dialogue that needs to be opened about Psychic Fairs.   Ultimately it affects the end consumer — those looking for a reading.  Good practitioners are being harmed by poorly run psychic fairs and metaphysical events.  It is time to talk […]

9 mins read

You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone Though it may feel like like it, you are not alone in struggling to navigate the dynamics of family relationships.  Family relationships are not always easy. There are divorces, stepparents, siblings and sibling rivalries. Step-brothers and sisters, half-brothers and sisters, in-laws. Aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents. Deaths. Births. All […]

3 mins read

Creating Boundaries between Work and Home

Let Go of the Work Day and Make Your Evenings More Joyful Creating boundaries with work from your home life has become difficult.   Prior to the pandemic we always felt the need to check in when we were home.   Now many of us are working at home and the lines are blurred resulting in burnout.  […]

4 mins read

Navigating Social Media Positively: 5 Techniques to Mitigate Adverse Impact

It is the first of the year and like me you may want to start the year and mitigate adverse impact that social media has in your life.  There’s no denying that there’s a lot of good that we can take from social media. The most important is that it allows us to connect with […]

5 mins read

Have the courage to ask for what you want

Have the courage to ask.  Sounds simple until you sit down and decide what it is that you desire.   Because you can’t ask for everything all at once.   Just by asking doesn’t mean that it will happen.    You will have to put some serious work in to make it happen. For way too long I […]

2 mins read

8 Signs You Are Wasting Your Life

Are You Wasting Your Life? What image do you have in your mind when you think of someone wasting their life? You probably think of someone very underemployed, living in their parent’s basement, and playing video games. However, even very successful people can be guilty of wasting their lives. If you spend the majority of […]

4 mins read

Do you need an Attitude Adjustment?

Has someone told you that you need an attitude adjustment?   Before you get angry with them, perhaps they may be onto something.  They care enough about you to point you in a positive direction.  It is human nature to be defensive when someone points out a weakness in ourselves.   Trust me, I can relate. Change […]

4 mins read

Are you a Master OverThinker?

Indicators You Might be Overthinking Things Master Overthinker?   Is there such a thing?   Well yes, because I am an expert at this.  Trust me I have mastered this skill.   Unlearning it has been a journey.   With a little effort on your part, you can break these habits.  Remember to be gentle with yourself and that […]

3 mins read