Building Your Confidence
A Foolproof Formula for Doubling Your Confidence Confidence is a state of mind, and it’s something that you can build up if you
Guiding You to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions
A Foolproof Formula for Doubling Your Confidence Confidence is a state of mind, and it’s something that you can build up if you
Spirituality Can Be Developed Without Religion Those that claim to be “spiritual but not religious” account for over 20% of the population in
Today is National Previvor Day, right in the middle of Nation Hereditary Cancer week. On September 15, 2010, history was made with the
Free Yourself from Needing the Approval of Others Since we were children, most of us learned that it could be advantageous to make
Spiritual Wellness Can Create Balance in Your Life Spiritual wellness is not something we speak a lot about. So I ask you this
Fear of losing love is one of the things us human’s struggle with. Let go and trust that something else is coming to fill our purpose.
Originally I wrote this on March 23, 2019. Today I understand how brave I was to make these decisions about my life. It
This post was originally posted on September 20, 2016. I think it means even more today than then. Let yourself decide what is
Bravery is not always easy. I can tell you that I am not always brave. Today I put it out there for you.
I have been enjoying Stephen Colbert a lot on late night. George and I often watch his monologues (albeit a day or two