Weekly Affirmation – For Mediums Giving Messages
For mediums, giving messages is a joyous experience. It allows us to help others and often relieve a burden from a sitter. We get into trouble when we forget that our angels and guides do a lot of the work. We need to thank them. If you are struggling with message giving, try affirmations to […]
Connecting to the Divine Feminine During Menopause
Connecting to the Divine Feminine During Menopause What does the divine feminine have to do with the end of our menstrual cycle? Menopause is often seen as the end of one cycle, but it’s also a powerful doorway into another—a deeper connection to the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine represents intuition, creativity, nurturing, and the […]
What Is Going Direct?
What Is Going Direct? In platform mediumship, going direct is one of the main ways mediums connect with Spirit. This method involves the medium addressing a specific person in the audience. It often starts with a question like, “May I come to you with a message?” Once permission is granted, the medium shares details about […]
Using Tarot to Understand Situations
I have needed to understand situations in my life and struggled. Perhaps I have been too close to them — the situations. I clearly was not thinking objectively. So I pulled out my Tarot deck and asked “what am I missing in this situation?” Five cards later, and deep reflection I saw it. It was […]
Psychic Fairs – An Uncomfortable Conversation…
I originally wrote this uncomfortable conversation in 2018. It was a way to have a serious dialogue that needs to be opened about Psychic Fairs. Ultimately it affects the end consumer — those looking for a reading. Good practitioners are being harmed by poorly run psychic fairs and metaphysical events. It is time to talk […]
Face the Fear in the Face
The Journey of Courage and Transformation Face the fear! I know it is scary. It’s not always easy, but once you achieve it, life gets a little easier. I’m talking about the journey of courage and transformation. This path is often filled with challenges and obstacles, but the rewards are profound. When you muster the […]
Weekly Affirmation – Treat Myself
Treat yourself to some love and kindness. Humans often are hardest on themselves. The concept of loving yourself is a struggle. See if affirmations can assist you in loving yourself. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I love myself and treat myself with kindness. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to use […]
Exploring the Star Trek Universe Through Tarot
Exploring the Star Trek Universe Through Tarot: A Journey of Symbolism and Character The Star Trek Universe has been a source of solace during challenging times. As my understanding of Tarot expands, I find myself drawn to exploring other beloved interests. In the expansive realm of Star Trek, a rich tapestry of characters weaves through […]
Starting a Herbal Garden
Beginner Tips for Starting an Herbal Garden Starting a herbal garden does not have to be difficult. Whether you have a black thumb or you have done some gardening, these beginner tips are going to be helpful. You will learn how to find the right spot, water instructions, harvesting, and some basics of what to […]
Weekly Affirmation – All is Well
When you are full of love and acceptance, all is well. This is tough for some people. I know because I struggled for years with it. This is where affirmations assist me. I believe that it can help you too. Affirmations give you something to focus on and changes your mindset. This change in your […]