Feeling Stressed? Try these Herbs and Spices
Herbs and spices have been known to help us with so many things. Did you know that they can assist you with dealing with stress? Here are some herbs and spices known for their stress-reducing properties, along with their common uses and benefits: Herbs Ashwagandha: Benefits: Known as an adaptogen, it helps reduce stress and […]
The Persistent Path: How to Cultivate Traits That Lead to Success
The Persistent Path The persistent path is not an easy one, but it well worth the effort. Persistence is the trait that keeps you going despite the work, challenges, or things that can continually knock you down. It’s the trait that allows you to achieve big goals, as many can’t be achieved without failure or […]
What is Going Indirect?
What Is Going Indirect? In platform mediumship, going indirect offers a different approach to connecting with Spirit. Rather than selecting one specific person, the medium describes the Spirit communicator and lets the audience claim the connection. It’s a Spirit-led process that allows multiple people to engage before narrowing down to the right recipient. How It […]
Letting Go….
Embracing and Releasing Real Emotions: A Journey of Growth Letting go of emotions is hard. They are so real and right now. I know first hand that it is not easy. This was written in April of 2017 originally, I am bringing it forward because the knowledge rings true today. I’ve encountered situations that deeply […]
Protect Your Hearing
So this blog is mostly about spirituality and mediumship, so why talk about hearing? One of the clairs is clear hearing. Loss of hearing and vision is the number one cause of disability in the world. Some people are born deaf, or with hearing difficulties, and others become hard of hearing or deaf as they […]
Weekly Affirmation – Action With Prayer
You can pray all day, but until you combine action with that prayer, not much is going to happen. Prayer is only one component of the process. You then must do the things you are resisting or afraid of to make that prayer come true. This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks […]
Tips on How to Be a Better Listener
Better listener? If you want to improve your relationships with people, being able to listen effectively is a crucial skill you’ll need. However, it’s often considered a skill that’s been lost in recent years. Even when you think you’re listening to someone, you may be surprised by how tuned out of the conversation you are. […]
Embracing Mistakes and Failures
Embracing mistakes is not a feeling that is good and positive. But what if I told you that some of the best lessons in life that you learn will be from mistakes. Society always celebrates only the winners, so it can make mistakes and failure uncomfortable for you. Some things to think about include: Embracing […]
Open Mind – Is it Possible?
If you want to live a life of continuous growth and development, maintaining an open mind is a mandatory requirement. This mindset opens up an endless array of opportunities and experiences that would otherwise pass you by, leading to the dreaded pain of regret. Let’s discuss 5 steps that will allow you to avoid the […]
Getting In Tune With Your Intuitive Abilities
Getting In Tune With Your Intuitive Abilities Our intuitive abilities can be difficult to cultivate. Yet they do not have to be, instead of trying to do it all at once, try to connect in smaller bites. The world today can be overwhelming! Each year, society seems to revolve more and more around technology, screens, […]