Do You Need the Approval of Others?
Is approval addiction a real thing? I believe so, and we are not talking about it enough. Receiving validation feels great. However, some develop an addiction to this outside approval, losing the ability to self-motivate.
September 2024 Affirmation
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September 2024 Journal Prompts
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Exercises to Practice Remote Viewing
Exercises to Practice Remote Viewing Remote viewing is a skill that can be developed with practice and dedication. Here are a few exercises to help you get started on your journey to becoming a proficient remote viewer: Envelope Target Exercise Materials Needed: Envelopes Photos or images Notepad and pen Steps: Place a photo or image […]
Overcoming Self-Doubt
Self-doubt is a common companion on the journey of mediumship. Many mediums, especially in the early stages, experience uncertainty about their abilities and their connection with Spirit. It’s important to recognize that self-doubt is a natural part of the process and that overcoming it can lead to profound growth and empowerment. Failure is how you learn, […]
The Successful Road to Spiritual Wellness
The Successful Road to Spiritual Wellness Struggling to achieve spiritual wellness? You’re not alone. Many find it challenging, but it’s certainly achievable with the right approach. Explore this guide to build a strong foundation of spiritual wellness. Instead of trying to transform everything at once, consider adopting one element at a time for a smoother […]
Slamming Doors
If you feel the need to start slamming doors around me; please don’t. There are people that do it on a regular basis, and if you are the kind of person to slam a door when you are angry — you may want to take pause. In fact don’t slam a door in front of […]
Spiritualism Crossroads: Progress or Stagnation?
Spiritualism’s Crossroads: Progress or Stagnation? Spiritualism was founded by free thinkers—visionaries who challenged the norms of their time. Many pioneers were women. They saw Spiritualism as a way to connect with the spirit world and fight for social change. Their advocacy for women’s rights, abolition, and equality was core to the movement. Today, the movement […]
Exploring the Phenomena of Physical Mediumship
Physical mediumship offers a unique and powerful way to connect with the spirit world, providing tangible evidence that can deepen our understanding and belief.
State of the World – Finding Hope
Are you struggling finding hope these days? The state of the world right now is concerning. By focusing on what we can do rather than what we can’t, we can make a positive impact.