Failure to Launch
Failure to Launch: Navigating the Challenges of Parenting Grown Children As parents, we all hope to see our children grow into independent, self-sufficient adults. For many of us, this dream becomes a reality as our children leave the nest, find their paths, and blossom into their potential. However, for others, the journey is not so […]
Embrace the Journey: How to Navigate Struggles in Mediumship
Embrace the Journey: How to Navigate Struggles in Mediumship How can one embrace the journey with so many obstacles? Mediumship is a skill that grows over time, not something that comes perfectly from the start. Yet, many mediums give up too soon, believing that mistakes mean they aren’t cut out for the work. The truth […]
Mercury in Retrograde – Starts November 25
Mercury in Retrograde is Back! Yes, Mercury is in retrograde again. It appears I was a little busy in August, and totally forgot to post the August 4, 2024 – August 28, 2024 in earth-sign and ends in fire-sign Leo. It appears that the last time I wrote about in back in April, I had […]
The Power of Daydreaming: Enhancing Your Mediumship Abilities
The Power of Daydreaming: Enhancing Your Mediumship Abilities Daydreaming is often seen as a frivolous activity, something to avoid in favor of productivity and focus. However, for mediums, daydreaming can be a powerful tool that enhances intuition, creativity, and the connection with Spirit. By allowing the mind to wander and explore, we can tap into […]
Weekly Affirmation – Utilize your talents!
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I have been given endless talents which I begin to utilize today.
Feeling Like an Imposter When Healing?
Navigating Imposter Syndrome in Healing Work: Reclaiming Confidence in Your Gifts Imposter syndrome doesn’t just affect those developing their mediumship—it can deeply impact healers as well. Whether you’re working with energy, offering spiritual healing, or guiding others through transformative processes, self-doubt can creep in, making you question your abilities and purpose. This feeling of inadequacy, […]
A Fresh Start: Blessing and Cleansing Your Tarot Deck
A fresh start for your tarot deck is often needed. If you recently purchased a tarot deck, you might be wondering if you should bless it and then how to keep it clean. You want to be connected with them and you want them clear of any residual energy left behind between readings. Every object, […]
2024 Three Words – Reflecting on the Power
Reflecting on the Power of My 2024 Words: Nurture, Action, and Today Every year, as I approach Thanksgiving, I embark on a reflective journey to choose three words that will guide me in the upcoming year. These terms become more than goals; they act as my compass, influencing my daily actions, mindset, and interactions. For […]
Self-Care Is Not One-Size Fits All
There is a myth out there that self-care is One-Size fits all. That we only have to do “x” and our world will improve. The self-care industry is a multibillion-dollar industry that includes expensive creams, retreats, diets, boot camps, self-help books, and more. The problem with the public face of “self-care” is that it’s not […]