Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy to Women
Tonight the news of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg came and I am terrified for this country. Like many, we knew this day was coming. The hopes of her living beyond the election dashed. I must have felt the changes coming, I wrote earlier in this week Time to Get Political. I have been searching for ways to serve.
Four years ago I was terrified Trump would be elected. My impressions were wrong; I thought the disbelief I was feeling was Jill Stein had won and that there were ramifications in the Democratic and Republican parties. This time I feel just sick to my stomach. I know that I am not alone in this feeling.
Justice Ginsburg Gave Women Hope
Just days before her death, as her strength waned, Ginsburg dictated this statement to her granddaughter Clara Spera: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” We know that Mitch McConnell has already stated he will be holding a vote on a replacement ASAP.
I became a fan of Justice Ginsburg after I saw the movie On the Basis of Sex in 2018. That end of the movie with her standing at the Supreme Court Stairs took my breath away.
As I sit here and write, text messages are flying with my friends. We all are feeling helpless. Like other women who inspire me I can only do so much and it seems not enough. Yet, that is what these women have done. What they can, speaking up when there is a wrong. Standing for what is right and just.
A Nation Grieves?
This is a shock to everyone. The sadness over this great loss is flying across this country. The passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg leaves a hole in a nation already reeling. She is an American hero, especially for women. The only way we can honor her is to carry forth her legacy of equality, empathy, and justice.
Greeted by the likes of Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Betty Friedan, Rosa Parks and the countless many woman that have paved the way for us. It is a room full of love, light and inspiration. Most importantly there is the reunion with her beloved husband Martin. A job well done, she did it valiantly and with due diligence.
Now What?
Here in America the tears are flowing and the fear is palpable. Ladies feel it, don’t give in to it. If you are not registered to vote, get registered. In November vote. Express your anger, speak out because our lives depend upon it. It is our responsibility to keep those in political offices accountable. It is up to us, we the people. Stop waiting for someone else to change things — CHANGE THEM!
Justice Ginsburg I will do my best to honor your memory and carry on.