Are You the Negative Influence in Your Friendships?

Is Negativity Ruining Your Friendships? Ever wonder if you might be the ‘negative influence’ in your group? While there’s plenty of advice on removing negative people from your life, it’s harder to confront if the negativity might be coming from you. If your friendships are suffering and you’re unsure why, it might be time to […]

2 mins read

Redefining Abundance: A Life of Balance and Fulfillment

Redefining Abundance: A Life of Balance and Fulfillment When we hear the word “abundance,” many of us think of wealth and material success. But plenitude is about so much more than money. True abundance lies in achieving balance and fulfillment across every area of our lives—mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. It’s easy to believe […]

2 mins read

Intuitive Tarot

How to Read Tarot Cards Intuitively Intuitive tarot is not so difficult.   Reading tarot cards always includes a combination of intuition and understanding what the cards could potentially mean, but some people choose to work more intuitively than others. This means while you may know the typical definition of a tarot card, you use your […]

3 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – The Power of Today

Resilience is a skill we learn over time.   Some of us take more time than others.   It is the ability to recover quickly from a loss or defeat.   Finding the wherewithal to stand up and begin again.   This is where affirmations are a great help.   This weeks affirmation is as follows: In the present […]

1 min read

Dealing with Skeptics: Staying True to Your Mediumship Path

Dealing with Skeptics: Staying True to Your Mediumship Path Skeptics to what you are doing can cause us to hesitate.  Mediumship is a deeply personal and often transformative journey. However, encountering skeptics—whether they are friends, family, or strangers—can be challenging. Here are some strategies to help you stay true to your mediumship path while navigating […]

3 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Independent Thought

This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am a confident, independent thinker. I am always aware of the truth, independent of the approval of others. Loneliness is not something that is easy to overcome, but it is in those times that we must really start to practice self love.   Take the time and support and love […]

1 min read

Weekly Affirmation – Dealing with Guilt

Dealing with guilt is something we all have to do at one time or another in our life.  Guilt is a natural emotion, but when it lingers, it can weigh us down and block our personal growth. By releasing guilt, we allow ourselves to move forward, forgive ourselves, and embrace healing.  This is where affirmations […]

2 mins read