Year: 2023
Navigating Holiday Stress: Strategies for Healthy Family Dynamics
It’s holiday season again, and family dynamics can bring anxiety. Strategies for stress reduction are crucial. Remind yourself that “No” is a complete sentence. That is exactly what we are doing this year — saying no to the stress. In fact, we have over the years found the simpler the holiday the better it is […]
Empowering Excellence: The Transformative Power of Three Words
There are many things that you will find empowering excellence in your life. What I have learned over the years is the smallest of things that have the largest impact. Sometimes you never know where it will come from. Embarking on a new year offers a canvas of possibilities, a chance to set intentions and […]
“My Grown-up Christmas List” by Natalie Cole
Here is #9 in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song. Spiritual Song Series – “My Grown-up Christmas List” by Natalie Cole.
Does Your Family Apply the Guilt Trip?
Don’t Pack For The Guilt Trip Around this time of year I used to get the guilt trip from my mother when I lived hours away. When are you coming home for Thanksgiving and what plans are we going to make for Christmas. It was so stressful. Overwelming guilt and I never could please her. […]
Explaining Dementia Disease
Our home is faced with explaining dementia to my mother-in-law. Just when we think we have her understanding, we discover otherwise. It is not easy and navigating the healthcare for her is maddening. The disease is brutal as we watch her fade into confusion regularly. Just in the time she has been here (8 months […]
Weekly Affirmation – Action
Have you ever struggled with taking action? So many things going wrong, nothing seems worth it or just a string of bad luck. We have all been there. But at some point we must stop feeling sorry for ourselves and move forward. This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks affirmation […]
What is Candle Reading?
Glimpses Across the Veil: Spiritualist Candle Reading Why candle reading? Come the deep midwinter, enigmatic candles flicker in frosted windows—beckoning bonds to those bereft by death’s bitter blade. Seeking solace, the suffering gather in hushed spiritualist temples to attend the candle readings, where love eclipses loss in tallow, smoke, and flame. In this solemn ritual, […]
Weekly Affirmation – Nurture the Future
You too can nurture the future that you desire. Do one thing every day to achieve the goals you desire. It can happen, but only with more than a wish. This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am an agent of positive change. Today, I take decisive […]
Embracing Empowerment: A Previvor’s Journey through DIEP Reconstruction
I started writing this back in September, when I wanted to post for Breast Cancer Awareness. It just didn’t sit right with me and there was so much going on at the time. As October came and the absolute agony of all the pink, I decided to leave it in draft mode until today. Perhaps […]
Celebrate Thanksgiving With Style
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving this year is a popular question. Thanksgiving traditions in your home can create some of the best memories for years to come. We can all think back to our childhoods and remember certain foods, dishes, games, or ways to give thanks. We grasp onto the wonderful Thanksgiving memories and may try […]