Year: 2020
Weekly Affirmation – Interaction with Others
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I seek out interactions with people who inspire and empower me.
Spiritual Song Series – “Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon & Garfunkel
Here is #10 in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song. Spiritual Song Series – “Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon & Garfunkel
Weekly Affirmation – Growing Trust
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
My mind is aligned with universal knowledge and I trust my intuition.
Anger takes away from your happiness…
Anger is an emotion that does so much harm to the person that holds it. I used to hold on to being angry all the time. It was how I was raised, in an angry environment. I didn’t know any better. It is a learned behavior. Manifested in my lashing out or shutting down, yelling […]
Tarot – An interesting connection with Spirit
My connection with Spirit grew as I understood the meaning of Tarot cards. Since the beginning of my journey back to who I am I first started to see Tarot Cards when Spirit first started to communicate with me. It became a clue to what I was needed to pay attention to. The standard language of […]
Finding Direction in a Chaotic Life
My life for the past couple of years has been one chaotic mess, and finding direction has been struggle. I have been paralyzed for the better part of a year because I have been stuck. Not quiet sure what to do first and a little upset at myself for letting it get out of control. […]
The political turbulent times we are in…
These turbulent times are taking its toll on everyone. My phone lit up like a Christmas Tree last night as one of our bases were being bombed. We sit on edge every day to see what our “leaders” are going to get us into each day. I use the quotes around leaders because I […]
Tarot Tuesday: The Pages
The Pages of the Court cards are the most immature of them. Often they are messengers or they represent young children. Pages are not all that difficult to understand, you just have to know some details and which suit you are dealing with to know and understand them. Pages – An overview The Page is […]
Help with Public Speaking
Public Speaking has not always been easy for me. Truth be told I would fret over a talk for weeks on end. It was when I was thrust on to the podium one day and had to speak from my heart that it all changed. I don’t think it is something that that […]
Weekly Affirmations – Discernment in Friendship
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I am allowed to be selective in choosing friendships that are for my greater good.