Year: 2016
What do you want? Ask for it! Go after it!
Ask for it! What do you want? Fear is an ugly emotion. It will stop you from asking for what you want in life. Why is it as humans that we allow fear to stop us from the things we desire? Fear colors our world in drab gray. It stops us from being fully happy. […]
Fundraiser to support a fellow volunteer at Lily Dale
I will be serving as a Medium for this fundraiser on June 4th. Come by and support Michaela. It is a great day to come to the LD Coordinators Meeting and then come for a Spaghetti meal after. There will be prizes like a reading with Lisa Williams, theme baskets and other unique prizes as […]
Lily Dale – An amazing place of Spirit
There is wonderful energy in Lily Dale. It is a place that I find great energy and gain amazing strength and clarity when I am here. You don’t have to be a Medium or a Healer to feel Spirit here. There is love swirling on these grounds. Lily Dale season is quickly approaching and you […]
Marjim Manor Psychic Faire – August 20, 2016
Marjim Manor August 20, 2016 1-9pm Food trucks, a vendor fair and various readings. People can presale as many individual readings as they’d like. We’ll have various psychic, Tarot readers, angel readers, astrologists spread around the path out back. Faire Events Schedule: Glenn White’s Gallery reading: 1 PM $20/person Gallery Healing Session with Michelle Denz: […]
Weekly Affirmations help us change for the good
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
It is never too late!
If I can become a Medium in my late 40’s, you can make a change in your life. It does not mean that my vocation changes. I still love Real Estate. It just meant that my life is fuller now that I recognize my true self. You don’t have to accomplish it all today either. […]
Jim Carrey – A Powerful Video
Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. Love is the most important thing in life. Apparently he keeps coming in front of me. Love or Fear. I am constantly working towards making decisions that are from the position of love. Don’t get me wrong, I struggle with fear every day of my life. […]
Happiness never decreases by being shared…
I think of this a lot lately. When I share joy it is seems to expand. It is also wonderful to share when others achieve. It doesn’t take away from my achievements by celebrating others. We are all connected and when we accept this, life gets easier. So why do others have such difficulty in […]
When one does not listen to the advice from the other side….
Sometimes one must laugh at oneself. Today is one of those times. I realize that I am growing by leaps and bounds. It does not mean that I am perfect and that I do not have moments that I falter. Luckily for me, they seem to be less and less. But there is a reason […]