Using Tarot to Understand Situations
I have needed to understand situations in my life and struggled. Perhaps I have been too close to them — the situations. I clearly was not thinking objectively. So I pulled out my Tarot deck and asked “what am I missing in this situation?”
Five cards later, and deep reflection I saw it. It was clear as day. Three cards were in the Majors — clearly this was out of my control. Four of them were reversed. Two of the cards, which were the Minors, I had been pulling regularly in my daily tarot journal for weeks. All five cards have shown up in the last week. Within the five cards some common themes: emotions ran high, unresolved tensions and cloudy judgement. Spirit was clearly trying to show me something for weeks leading up to this reading. I just was not ready to see it. Now I am.
Trouble Understanding?
The above situation doesn’t matter. I just used it as an example — you are not alone. What does matter is if you are struggling to understand a situation, try a Tarot spread. I don’t necessarily mean a fancy one. Just sit with your Tarot cards, ask a question and pull a few cards. Sit with it. If you are not trusting your own interpretation, visit a website that gives you an analysis of the card. When I need to check myself I use Psychic Revelations website.
If you haven’t started a Tarot journal, I strongly suggest it. There are times that when I pull a reading the cards make no sense. Yet when I look back a week or two all of a sudden everything comes together.
Understanding doesn’t come easily. Especially when our emotions are involved. Others are going through their own thing and sometimes we get hurt in the process. Or the other way around. We don’t always understand situations we are in easily. Sometimes we need to learn a lesson, other times we are part of someone else’s lesson. Often it is a little of both.
Learning Tarot is a journey that we learn over time. Our experiences help us understand Tarot. Tarot sometimes helps us understand what we are experiencing. The next time you are struggling, reach out to your Tarot deck and see if it sheds some light on the situation.
2 thoughts on “Using Tarot to Understand Situations”
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Love reading your post’s. When are you and George going to visit us in San Diego? We would love to see the both of you.
We will get there one day… So much going on right now!!!