The political turbulent times we are in…
These turbulent times are taking its toll on everyone. My phone lit up like a Christmas Tree last night as one of our bases were being bombed. We sit on edge every day to see what our “leaders” are going to get us into each day. I use the quotes around leaders because I am not impressed with the whole lot of them. Regrettably the fish stinks from the head down. There are so few that are taking a stand and doing the right thing.
The first step as Susan B. Anthony would say is to vote and vote intelligently for those that will represent your needs in government positions. I have the great honor of being one of the many docents that tell her story at the Susan B. Anthony House. It also means using your voice when there is outrage. It is important to remember that leadership is an action, not a position. Lead by your example! Write letters, make phone calls and use Social Media to express your opinions. I do so now, my voice shaking a little, but I did make one of my words for 2020 VOICE; best be using it.
Music Can Help
This morning I turned on my iTunes and hit random as I stressed over the happenings of the last twenty-four hours and there was Bette Midler, a voice I follow on Twitter singing her song “From a Distance” and it rang very true to me. Too often we are interjecting what we want and interpreting it as what God wants. What God wants is everyone to be love and spread love. This hate has to stop. We must find a way.
Can’t we just all get along? Apparently as I write this the answer is no. There are too many who lead with their egos and it is all about them. So the question is what is one small person who has a few thousand followers on Twitter do? There is a lot one person can do. It is become an educated consumer and voter. It is finding the strength to stand up and speak out. Which brings me back to Susan B. Anthony and her words that should guide us all:
Forget conventionalisms; forget what the world thinks of you stepping out of your place;
think your best thoughts, speak your best words, work your best works,
looking to your own conscience for approval.and
Organize, agitate, educate, must be our war cry.
My Own Struggle
I am a mother of one and step mother to two kids who are of age to be drafted if this goes further. I fear it is coming and as a parent makes me very nervous. The direction of this country is not a direction I wish to see us go.
I have stood by as other wars have been fought thinking I am powerless. The reality is alone I do not have the power, but part of a group I have the potential to change the world. I want a more loving, compassionate world — what about you?