Tag: Practice
The Power of Spiritual Practices
Our spiritual practices shape us and can change our lives for the positive. Have you ever felt unbalanced or disconnected from yourself? Life can be chaotic, pulling us in a hundred directions at once. Spiritual practices, or rituals, are powerful tools that can bring us back to center, helping us feel more grounded and at […]
Should You Clear Your Tarot Deck?
The Importance Of Clearing A Tarot Deck When you bring home a new deck of tarot cards you will want to clear them. Clearing is a process of spiritually cleaning the cards to remove any negative energy or blocks that they may have accumulated. When you clear a deck of tarot cards for the first […]
Exercises to Practice Remote Viewing
Exercises to Practice Remote Viewing Remote viewing is a skill that can be developed with practice and dedication. Here are a few exercises to help you get started on your journey to becoming a proficient remote viewer: Envelope Target Exercise Materials Needed: Envelopes Photos or images Notepad and pen Steps: Place a photo or image […]
Breaking Through Mediumship Barriers
Breaking Through Barriers: Three Lesser-Known Obstacles to Mediumship Success There are Mediumship barriers every medium faces. Each medium’s path is filled with unique challenges. Beyond fear, patience, and commitment, there are other subtle barriers that can hinder your progress. Here are three additional obstacles you might face on your journey to becoming a successful medium, […]
Simple Measures to Improve Your Mood
Use Gratitude Meditations & Affirmations To Boost Your Spirit Anytime There are simple measures where you can boost your spirit. You’ve probably heard of both meditations and affirmations, though you may be uncertain of just what they are and how they work. They may even seem a bit too new age for you, but don’t […]
Weekly Affirmation – Prayer in Stressful times
Prayer and meditation are my connection to the source of peace. When I am stressed, praying and meditating help me to stay calm. I stand firm on prayer and meditation when the waves of uncertainty come my way. This weeks affirmation is as follows: Prayer and meditation are my rock during stressful moments. About Weekly […]
How a Bath or Gentle Stretch Can Help You
Relax Your Body With A Warm Bath Or Gentle Stretch I write a lot about sleep in the blog. Mainly because it is part of being a human — we need rest. The other part with a good sleep routine as a Medium you will serve Spirit better too! The key to a good night […]
The Magic of Deliberate Practice
The Magic of Deliberate Practice means that over time you start to manifest a life that you desire and a level of peace & joy that you desire.