Tag: Action
The Cost of Speaking Out and the Strength It Brings
There is a cost to speaking out. I have felt it deeply. When I have taken a stand, people have walked away. Friendships (and family) I thought were solid disappeared, and I found myself questioning whether I had made a mistake. But with time, I realized something profound: if standing by my values makes people […]
Learn to Take Action in Your Life
How to Take Action in Five Easy Steps Anything you want from life requires action. Learning to take action can be a challenge for some. Developing a sustainable business, achieving your daily goals, and living each life with happiness all rely on your ability to act. But no matter how badly you want something, taking […]
Weekly Affirmation – Time to Take Action
It is in taking action that our confidence grows. I find this is the best way to overcome fear and build self-confidence.
Weekly Affirmation – Listening promotes informed action
Although I am educated and experienced, I accept that there is much that I lack knowledge of.